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Someone really needs to create a decentralized food delivery network.


Added hearts. There is a 25% chance that a heart will drop. HP does increase, but HP still has no effect right now.

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Can people please stop spamming full texts on here? I'm sick of these showing up in search results when I'm trying to search for unrelated things.


Added coins. I plan to have them be used for in-dungeon shops.

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Rooms in the dungeon now have different designs (randomly picked from a list of currently three templates).

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I can't tell you how good it feels to finally have a brand name to put on my software licenses. It feels so professional, even though I'm currently profiting off of my works.


Wrote my own RNG algorithm (just take the sine of a seed and increment the seed by one for the next time). I also made it so that enemies can't spawn in the first room.

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Tried to add random enemy placement to the dungeon, but they all appear in the same room. I realize that the common way to do RNG in C and C++, srand(time(NULL)) uses time (in seconds) as a seed, and since the loop obviously runs multiple times per second, I'm getting the same results.

I think my solution would be to use my own RNG algorithm with a seed that increments every time it is called.

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Here is a second dungeon, in case you don't believe me.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.