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Okay it doesn't seem like it's fixing the lag. At least it did fix the problem of audio crashing (apparently you can't have more than 140 sf::Sound objects in memory). I will try to fix the problem tomorrow because my adderall is wearing off.

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So, I think I fixed the lag problem, key word being "think". So, in SFML, you have two objects for sounds: sf::SoundBuffer and sf::Sound. The sound buffer just loads the sound file. And sf::Sound is an instance of said sound with a pointer to the buffer. Up until now, I have every game object holding all of the sounds they play in their own sf::Sound objects. I thought it wouldn't be a strain on the memory because the actual sound data is stored in the buffers, but now I have a singleton class to handle all the sound playing.

I've noticed that there is somewhat less lag when there is a clutter of cars, but I haven't truly verified that yet. I haven't done it on a huge cluster of cars. Anyway, this should be a good thing, because the game is piss easy right now with amount of enemies on-screen.

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Now, I'm working on a high score table. I got it to load random scores from a text file and sort them by score using the insertion sort algorithm.

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Added the mine car. It lays mines when the player is behind it.

If you noticed the lag. The game lags when there are too many cars onscreen. I don't know why. It's a 2D written in C++. I normally create levels where there aren't that many cars at once.

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I've also allowed the changing of the x coordinate where the player character starts.

Not pictured, but I'm also working on an additional enemy. This one lays mines if the player is behind it.

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Work a lot on the level editor. I've added edge tiles, but this caused a problem with the level format because the number of tiles is now in the double digits and I was using two digits in the tile maps. The first determined if the tile was drivable or not and the second was the index of each tile. I had to make the tile maps triple digits now because of that.

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Huge update to the level editor. Both saving and loading have been implemented along with a simple menu for selecting the level you want to edit. I've also added the power-up crates to the editor. Now it is actually usable.

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Editor can now place objects other than the civilian cars. A camera has also now been implemented in the editor.

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Editor can now place objects (only the civilian cars at the moment) and can mark tiles as drivable (marked in red). I've also included a HUD on the right that currently only displays the current tile.

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Level editor now supports all tile images which can be switched using the keyboard.

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Started to create a level editor for the game. All it can do right now is convert grass tiles to water on a blank (all grass) map.

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Remaining time now gives you a bonus at the end of each level.

(EAR RAPE WARNING!!! I did not expect the sound to be this bad when repeating so frequently!)

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Added a level timer. I set it to 20 seconds just for debugging purposes. I probably plan on setting it to something like 400 seconds.

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Added a Game Over screen. Technically, it's been here for a while, but it was just red with no text.

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