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Created the first level in the editor and tested it in game.

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Editor can now change the direction the enemies are facing.

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Editor can now change the position of the player and exit.

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Editor now supports all current object. You may notice a bug in this recording after saving with the fourth enemy being in a lower y coordinate after reloading the file. That's due to the fact that this particular enemy is larger than the game's tile size. I'm working on this issue right now.

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Game objects (only hearts) can now be placed in the editor. The editor now supports saving, but only the tiles.

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Level editor can now load levels, though it can only load the tiles and you still can't save.

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Added a UI bar at the bottom which displays the current tile. I also added a yellow outlined rectangle which represents the area that is actually seen in game. Since the player can walk to one side and appear at the other, I have to include tiles that appear offscreen, so naturally the editor window is larger than the actual game window. This outline shows what will actually be visible.

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It's been a while, but I finally decided to take the gamble and use my dying laptop to add the ability to change which tile to place in the editor.

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You can now place brick tiles in the level editor, but that's basically it for now.

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Level editor is now running, but it's nothing, but an all brick background. Bare with me!

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Just got started with the level editor, but it's not functional yet and my meds are wearing out, so I have to work on it later.

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Added a menu, imported from my last game. Not sure if I will have high scores for my game though.

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Replaced the solid color tiles with an actual tileset. It's still a placeholder though as it is from another game (Mario Bros.).

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Added an "open door" animation when you reach the exit. Now, you have to press the down key to proceed.

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Added a lives counter to the HUD (was there before but it was just text and I removed it when adding the health bar). Right now, the icon is a coin because I'm borrowing HUD assets from a previous game project which didn't have an icon to represent lives.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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