
Made it so that the final boss level is just two rooms. Though I haven't made it so that the store doesn't spawn in the boss room. I've also disabled the staircase for the boss fight until it's defeated.

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Added the first and possible only boss, which will appear in the final floor. It's basically just like the Ghoma in the Zelda games except you attack it with the sword as it's the only weapon in the game.

Though given the limited window to attack and the fact that it takes more time to charge at the boss than it is to strike it with a projectile, I don't know how this boss battle will pan out, but I feel like without a proper final boss, the game would end anti-climatically. Also, due to the fact that levels are randomly generated, there is also an issue that the final boss room can be entered from the south, meaning that you will end up behind the boss when the battle starts. Maybe, the final floor can be just a single corridor that leads to the boss, instead of a randomly generated dungeon like the rest of the levels.

Anyway, I just want to get this over with and move on. After working on this project, I can clearly see why Nintendo never considered making a Zelda game with random dungeons. Not saying that it's impossible, but there are so many things you need to take into account (lock and key placement, metroidvania elements, etc) and they are much harder to implement in a randomly generated dungeon compared to a simple roguelike dungeon.

After this, I plan on creating a simple adventure game to practice things like event flags and dialogue trees.

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I tried to make crudely drawn skeleton sprites based on this 16x16 character base sprite.

It turns out that I can't draw a skull from the side so it ends up looking weird from the profile view. It still looks small compared to the player sprite, but I plan on using the same base sprite for the player.

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Replaced the BS Zelda skeleton sprite with one from Open Game Art, but it looks to small. I tried to look everywhere for 16x16 skeleton sprites and I can't draw my own, but this was the only one I could find.

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I'm now in the process of replacing the copyrighted assets with free-to-use assets or my own. So far, I only replaced the graphics for one enemy.

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I think more game studios (namely those who produce freeware and FOSS games) should be funded via crowd-tipping sites like Patreon or Liberapay. That way, they can receive a regular income while giving there games away for free. It seems like a better way to do the donationware model than just one-time donations. It might even be better than relying on game purchases, depending how often people buy your games.


Adding the difficulty curve to the game by making it so that certain enemies only appear in certain levels. For example, for the first four levels, only the slimes and skeletons appear.

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Key and shield icons are now dark when they player doesn't have them, but light up when the player has them, instead of just appearing on the HUD when the player has them. The sword icon now indicates whether you have the wooden or white sword.

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Added a slime enemy that takes one hit to kill.

I plan on balancing the enemy placement, having the stronger enemies appear in later levels because right now there is no change in difficulty whatsoever.

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