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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Oregon Governor Kate Brown extended coronavirus state of emergency to Nov. 3rd. I wonder why Nov. 3rd? :D

xianc78 boosted

If the current situation in Kenosha and Portland shows us anything, it's that the riots are filled with over-socialized, race-baited, boot-licking LARPers on both sides, nothing good can come from engaging, it's only scaring normies into the arms of their abusive lover, The State.

xianc78 boosted
Look at this double standard for UK passport photos, lol

Isn't it amazing how people's trite, idiotic delusions mean we let them get away with making demands like this? Like how you don't have to wear a face mask if it triggers you or whatever.

I'm no statist or conformist but if you're going to make LOGISTICAL DEMANDS of people based on the unflinching requirements of things like virus contagion or facial recognition algorithms, how do you justify waiving them for bullshit reasons like "I believe in submission to Allah so I'm not allowed to look beautiful"? If the system can function without those requirements being met, why do the rest of us have to meet them?
xianc78 boosted
I like the way many Leftists seems to think that companies get away with bad things because capitalism, and not because they are protected by the state.

Setting aside the fact they don't seem to understand that "Capitalism" means (hint: it means private ownership), the more free market you have, the more punishment the market can give bad actors.

Don't want an Android or an Apple? Well tough luck, because those companies are protected not by the free market (which simply doesn't have that power) but by their cronies in government.

Apple is being shitty, but Capitalism will protect them! Ah, no, its government regulations to prevent competition that protects big business, my friends.

Do you think, in a socialist country where the state runs/owns everything there would not be controversy? You have a problem with a state owned company, *good fucking luck* getting that resolved.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

When this happened to Spinster the fediverse was like “lol u deserved it bitch, stop discriminating against trans people”. Now it’s almost like, uhhhh, maybe we should try to have some solidarity when we’re a small movement up against huge opponents who will do everything in their power to hose us out.

xianc78 boosted

Hey surprise!! Drug companies use goonerment goonsquad restrictions on their competition to promote their product even if it results in thousands of deaths!!

Is anyone shocked?? I'm not...

xianc78 boosted

So they're apparently charging the teen in #kenosha with murder for defending himself against violent #blm rioters.

If not found guilty, there will be more riots, and people will have even less patience for them.

Somewhere George #Soros is cackling..

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Distro arguments are pointless and stupid. If you have been in two distro arguments and didn't spend the second one yelling that it was pointless, then I have a very simple strategy to help you learn: every time you see some kid post about how excited he is to have installed Ubuntu on his computer and you feel the urge to tell him to install Arch instead, punch yourself in the face until you feel like teaching him something besides pointless distro-hopping, then after you have sent the kid a note of encouragement or something educational, punch yourself in the dick until you feel like learning to do something with your own computer besides pointless distro-hopping.
xianc78 boosted

Sweden's success is obvious. All the goonerment goonsquad mandates to prevent COVID have been proven to be ineffective.


xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Never ever lend money to your friends and family. Most of the time they will never return them and you will destroy your relationship with them if you insist on them returning it.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

The dems are OUT OF THEIR MINDS! They say they want to eliminate the goonerment goonsquad (I agree with that) but then they want to put Biden and Harris in the white house. THEY are responsible for locking up thousands for non-violent offenses.


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