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xianc78 boosted
@ChristiJunior @ragnaroek @hourmutt
avoid the terms:

these are poison pill terms subtly designed to get you to accept their framework
xianc78 boosted
It's ok to use discord...
To convert people to open protocols.
xianc78 boosted
@coolboymew @jenny Not every game needs to be accessible for everyone. Just like JRPGs shouldn't be dumbed down so that mobile gamers can understand everything in 10 minutes, Souls games don't need to be made so easy that game journalists can finish them.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Someone sent me this claiming they took it themselves. Photo of the NYC Metro threatening passengers with state terrorism if they misgender troons on the subway.

If I said "Politician X better do what I want or he'll become past tense" I'd probably get a visit from the feds.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
(In response to a question on YT asking me about the new pride flags).

Both the hoist-side triangle and the + brown/black stripe flags are hideous. I don't know how to describe it better. The rainbow is a natural phenomena, and is pretty. It does a good job of positively representing concepts like "diversity" and does so in a fun way. It's such an infectious icon that whenever you see a rainbow you just assume now it's a gay related organization.

Painting shit brown and baby colors, especially altogether, just is an eyesore. What does brown on the rainbow flag even mean? Brown gay people?? Why does that need its own flag? We already assume black people can be gay. Who needs to be told otherwise?

The trans flag itself is hideous and confusing. It looks like something rotting. I see dead blue skin, pink exposed flesh, and white pus. It doesn't represent transition to me. All those other sexuality flags are cheap imitations of a once-great idea, and only in that shared concept of "cheap imitation" does it accurately represent what it tries to.

Neo-liberal movements are broad and confusing. There's so many conflicting groups trying to share one house that it cannot be accurately represented. Which is why there's also no good conservative flags, except perhaps the Gadsden, which itself says nothing but "I don't like the government and I will defend myself".
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Purityfagging is the dumbest shit. “You can’t be one of us unless you’re exactly all these things.” If we have the same ideologies why the fuck do you care what I do in my personal life? Better question is where does that shit end?

xianc78 boosted
Researchers find dangerous misinformationists prefer science and facts to corporate propaganda :blubcatflip:
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 exactly, just because your sexuality is often plastered on the rainbow flag doesnt mean we have to support that flag. People often assume you support that set of morals because of it and its sick.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Reminder that just because you are lesbian, gay, or bi doesnt mean you have to cave into peer pressure to join the LGBTQ+.

Its like being in a group project with people you hate and others judging you for being in the group with them.

The pedos created the LGBTQ+ to create an umbrella term so that they can try and equate being gay with being trans. Thats how pedos have and always will operate in public, by clinging to the gays for support and cover.

Dont be afraid to go against pedos and trannies. You never wanted to accept them in the first place, did you? Did you choose to support them ever? Or was their title slapped on you against your will, and you were told by the masses to accept them?
xianc78 boosted
>Discords down
> isnt

Fediverse chads stay winning
xianc78 boosted
This is why I believe the LGB can be extracted from the LGBTQ, because the T and Q viscerally hate the LG (less the B)
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