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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

The whole diversity hires in the airlines thing is all a psyop. There are no disabled diversity hires and there are no plane crashes. It's just to get people to stop flying, which is part of the globalist's plans.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Frondeur @IAMAL_PHARIUS I'm at a year and half and probably over 200 rejected applications. Most aren't actually rejecting, they just don't call you back. I think I've gotten 2 or 3 interviews so far maybe? One of which I got rejected not even 45 minutes after the interview. I have an excellent resume for my age too.

I'm not just talking good jobs either, the shitty entry level jobs I'm applying to in the meantime aren't calling back either. I have no clue what's going on. Are the job postings fake to make the job market look better? Are they just not hiring White guys? No clue. IDK how to get a job outside of nepotism or being brown/female/etc. I've experimented with listing myself as native American and disabled on some applications, hadn't had much luck with that either.

I'm on the verge of just taking some shitty English teacher, or English call center position in another country at this point. I don't think I even qualify for unemployment gibs because I didn't lose a job in the first place.
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 @gabriel @km people keep being burnt by neocons and the boomer conservatives who promise the world and do nothing
xianc78 boosted
I forget where I wrote it, but I'm fully expecting the anti-woke coalition to fully transition from pointing out flaws in the progressive movement to victim-blaming those dispossessed by neoliberalism.
Which is among many reasons I refer to it as "The False Awakening"

xianc78 boosted
Haz Al-Din 🇷🇺
Jan 19
Javier Milei is the new face of the WEF and the global bankster class.

The ultimate PSYOP was how global elites spread false 'anti-socialist' conspiracy theories against themselves.

That way a shill like Milei appears to be challenging the elites, while in fact FULLY carrying out the ruling class agenda.

In order for the global ruling class to carry out its agenda, it has to make it appear like a rebellion against themselves! CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

Allowing capitalists and banker's to plunder your country's wealth is not 'freedom.' It's the opposite: slavery.

Our GOVERNMENTS are corrupt not because GOVERNMENT is bad in general, but because OURS is CONTROLLED by BIG MONEY.

To the Western Right Wing: Congratulations, you fell for the biggest con in history. You will eat the bugs and live in the Pod. It will all be in the private sector.

Any constitution that gave you basic rights will be torn up. Welcome to slavery re-branded as freedom!
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Deus Ex: :revblobfoxdisapprove: the elites will create a virus to destroy the world and sell treatments to the obedient

30 years later: :agummywave: Hi WEF here, Disease X or some shit.


Apparently, the French were actually the first to discover Australia, contrary to what mainstream history tells us.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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