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xianc78 boosted

Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) can be divided into 3 categories, depending on where the authority resides:

- Secret key (did:key, did:pkh).
- Server (did:web).
- Blockchain (hundreds of them).

With a #DID derived from a secret key you can truly own your identity. Unfortunately, key rotation is not supported, and if you lose your key, you lose everything. This can be partially mitigated with distributed key generation techniques that make key recovery possible if only M of N shards are available, but they are complicated.

Servers can rotate keys, but they can also suddenly disappear, and again you lose everything.

Blockchain-based systems support key rotation and don't have a single point of failure (if done right). Sometimes they are called "servers with superpowers". However, popular ones are not suitable for the job because writing to them is very expensive and their clients need powerful computing devices and a lot of storage.

Is there a way around that? Yes. Blockchains can be very lightweight and they don't actually need a cryptocurrency, miners or stakers in order to work. There is a simple consensus algorithm known as Proof of authority, and one of the Fediverse competitors, Bluesky, seems to be planning to build such system:

>We are actively hoping to replace it with or evolve it into something less centralized - likely a permissioned DID consortium.

They are afraid to say the B-word, but "permissioned consortium" is exactly what it is. Of course, their identity #blockchain doesn't have to be the only one in existence. I think in the future we might see quite a lot of "identity cooperatives" of different shapes and sizes. Perhaps even a universal client, curl for identity, can be developed.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Just a reminder that much of the content you see online now is meant to anger and or traumatize you. The matrix wants you angry and in a constant state of reaction. Don't give it to them. Have agency over your emotions. Have a blessed day!

xianc78 boosted
It is true that a small, but growing, number of people are curious about #freedom, both with technology and life in general.

Was good to see that #Linux desktop usage is now over 4% worldwide.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@xianc78 literally, the dude got so mad that people leaked emissary online that it's why he never wanted to do another smash story. I think he is typically a great game dev but holy shit he gets a stick up his ass whenever someone interacts with his work the "improper way." just look at brawl tripping...

Although, this mindset of Sakurai's at least freed us from the hell that was smash 4 Bayonetta in ultimate. Too bad we just got Steve instead and he'll never be fixed.

So many Nintendo devs are infuriating man. They're geniuses, but they all have some weird hang up on something. Miyamoto needs to shove gimmicks in everything. Sakurai holds weird grudges. Itoi thinks he reached perfection and doesn't want to do anything else. Aonuma thinks people only like old games more because of Nostalgia.

Aw, What a baby! Are posters and box-art also too spoilery for you, Mr. Sakurai?

No wonder he refuses to put a proper adventure mode in Smash after Brawl.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 taxation is for vassals and slaves :neocat_floof_mug: free men historically did not pay it. the crown either took a percentage of primary income for farmers (socage) or there were service fees for things like city water but the whole 'a % of literally everything you ever do goes to the crown' is for losers. literally.
xianc78 boosted

I really don't see the point in video game collecting. Long ago, I thought it was cool. I remember being 12 or 13, seeing James Rolfe's video where he shows off his NES collection, and thinking to myself "wouldn't it be cool to have a full-set DS collection in 20 years?" It honestly felt like a little slice of pop culture history on a shelf.

Now, I see it as nothing but hording or just investing. Not only is it impossible to get into, thanks to Youtubers like PatTheNESPunk, Metal Jesus Rocks, Happy Console Gamer, and LGR, but there is simply no point, especially if you are not going to play all those games. It's clearly impossible to do so. It's clear that this hobby is either an investment or an addiction.

I mean, just look at these YouTubers. Some of them openly admit to sleeping on mattresses without bed-frames just so they can afford more games. How pathetic is that? Think about how all that money could've gone to something useful. Imagine having a huge video game collection while having kids. You have this moral dilemma because you have this nice collection of video games that you don't want ruined, but you also have a bunch of games that your kids would want to play. This is probably the reason why you don't see that many collectors having children.

And don't get me started on the fact that video game collectors are enablers of the cancers of the modern video game industry because they have to buy EVERY SINGLE GAME of their favorite company or franchise, regardless of whatever shitty business practices they are making. To me, having a complete collection of a series, company, or a console does not make you a true fan. A true fan would want to avoid the bad stuff (at least buying them directly) because they want to see their favorite company or franchise actually improve. But no. These people think that they need to own every single game to show off how big of a fan they are.

The only way I feel like video game collecting is justified is if you are actually preserving rare or prototype games that either haven't been dumped or can't be emulated yet. I will give MJR credit for this though, in that he did dump the BIOS for the American 64DD prototype.

But I just can't see the appeal anymore. I never had a big collection, but I bought two WonderSwans and a couple of games years ago because I thought it would be cool to have Japanese imports, but the novelty went away real fast. Most of the games I can't even play anyway because they are text-heavy RPGs and don't have fan-translations.

Can we please drop this mentality that you need to collect everything of your favorite company/franchise to show your love for something?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Hoss @MMS21 @RustyCrab Anyhow, the thing with payment processors is that they do not want to be caught in yet another porn industry scandal, because the old school porn industry was full of them (you could write essays and effortposts based on all of them).

But this is also fueled by the fact that the "crypto bad" psyop that retarded internet artists ate up like crack rocks. The lolisho artists already had to move to crypto, these artists will keep whining that Paypal nuked their account because some retard put "furry porn" in the notes because they can't get the memo already.

Why are animal crush videos illegal but cockfighting videos aren't?

Not defending either of them, it just doesn't make sense to me.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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