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The Trump assassination attempt happened 38 days after the anniversary of the RFK assassination and 115 days before the 11/5 election.

* Death = 38 (Ordinal)
* Murder = 38 (Reverse Reduction)
* Killing = 38 (Reduction)
* RIP = 38 (Reverse)
* Election = 38 (Reverse)

DC is the city on the 38th Parallel North.
* Kabbalah = 38 (Ordinal)
* Gematria = 38 (Reduction)
* English = 38 (Reduction)
* Energy = 38 (Reduction)

Also notice the date:
7 + 13 + 20 + 24 = 64
7 + 13 + 24 = 44
* Kill = 44 (Ordinal) / 64 (Reverse)

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The attempted Trump assassination is just another psyop. They are trying to creating a bunch of tension for "the most important (s)election in US history".

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted


Finally starting to replace the copyrighted placeholder sound effects with either effects of my own or stock sound effects. Though, I couldn't find a good enough sound effect that goes well with the sword attack. The player merely thrusts it (like in Zelda 1), and all the sound effects I could find are more fit for a swinging of a sword.

I tried to take a knife-sharpening sound effect and edit it in Audacity to try to make it sound more "SNES-like" (lower the sample rate) and changing it to a 16-bit PCM, but I don't think it turned out to well. I also need to take into account that there is both a wooden sword and a metal sword.

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xianc78 boosted

Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it.

Their version 128 update has auto checked a new little privacy breach setting.

If you still use a corporate browser, at least do some safety version! We mainly use @librewolf based on firefox. (yes, we know, a stable european or even non-US browser is still considered 'futuristic' in europe)

#eu #browser #firefox #meh

xianc78 boosted
"Vote the bums out" is 100% the wrong strategy for dealing with a government that doesn't follow the rules of the Constitution.
xianc78 boosted

After 30+ years, I just discovered a new secret in the retro SNES game Lufia.

It turns out that if you use cheat code and level up till some unbelievable level, the final boss will actually flee from you 🤣

I'm guessing that the game developers added in the code to flee for the weaker enemies, but I just didn't think that they would add it for the final boss fight 😂

I was already looking forward to beat the final boss easily, but this was too easy 😝

#Lufia #SNES
Screen recording:

xianc78 boosted
I guess the democracy is in the cloud ☁️

(the cloud is really just somebody else's government)
xianc78 boosted

I just got back from a carnival and they were giving away those grumpy squids as prizes.

It amazes me that those became mainstream but most people would probably be appalled about why those things got popular in the first place.

Why do people hate K-Pop so much? It's not my thing (not a fan of Pop music in general), but I don't get why people despise it, especially on communities like the Fedi. Is it people's obsession with Japanese culture that makes them hate anything to do with the rest of Asia?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
craigslist died because normalfags heard about the craigslist killer from their true crime shows and Law and Order or some shit and thought letting the Zucc handle sales was better.
xianc78 boosted

LittleFuse (Zilog's parent company) took the last orders for the #Z80 yesterday.

After 48 years of constant production, #Zilog will no longer produce the Z80 as LittleFuse is unable to keep producing the current Z84Cxxxx series using the 4-micron (4000 nm) CMOS process.

The legendary chip, designed by the legendary Federico Faggin in 1976 was largely responsible for the microcomputer revolution and is still beloved by electronics hobbyists today.

It had one hell of an impact! RIP Z80

I'm surprised nobody picked the aliens option yet. Is it too obvious that nobody wants to pick that, or does everyone believe in The Great Filter hypothesis?

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xianc78 boosted
The #freedomflyers campaign includes efforts to make travelers aware that the TSA claims that submitting to facial recognition is “optional”.
xianc78 boosted

21 years ago today, @ronpaul gave his “Neo-Conned!” speech to Congress

“The modern-day, limited-government movement has been co-opted. The conservatives have failed in their effort to shrink the size of government.”

Who are the neo-cons? Listen below:

xianc78 boosted
The Mediterranean #diet has been a hit with doctors and dieters for years. Studies show that it’s one of the healthier diets around, especially for people with chronic #health problems or those at risk for heart disease.
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