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xianc78 boosted
Is it just me or did the network definitely feel different in 2021-2022 before twitter became x? I swear it was so much more underground and much more of a niche
xianc78 boosted
_I Didn’t Believe that AI is the Future of Coding. I Was Right._

I wrote my first computer code in 1976, and have been a professional software engineer since 1983, and I agree.
xianc78 boosted
>Don't help the people of North Carolina or Florida because you spent all your money on illegals and Israel
>Publicly state multiple times that you don't intend to do anything in regards to disaster relief beyond what you've already done (almost nothing)
>Block most outside aid because you're territorial about civilians stepping in on your operation
>White nationalist groups start showing up and clearing debris and handing out bottled water and just generally doing the job you refuse to do
>Complain about it

This is East Palestine all over again, the Biden administration has a long and storied history of just refusing to provide domestic disaster relief under any circumstances. And these journalists think the alternative is what? Dying of hunger and thirst in flooded houses? Of course not, you take what you can get, and yeah of course they're filming propaganda and spreading leaflets. The federal government has essentially abandoned hundreds of thousands of people because of their race and the states they live in. They would be stupid not to propagandize.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I've told people so many times about this kind of stuff, Kaze himself has talked about it over and over again too. If the VIDEOS are being taken down but the MODS aren't, and the websites that hosts the hacks and such aren't, then it's *probably* not Nintendo doing it. LTT's Switch emulation video is still up, has been for a while now, no issues. This is mostly just some crazy people online trying to stir up some shit, and YouTube's copyright system is so borked that it can easily happen.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
For the 'Muricans 🇺🇸 :

Have you seen any election signs in your area? I'm in Southern Tennessee and there is nothing. I think I've seen one Harris yard sign and maybe two bumper stickers. Other than that: Nothing. No Trump. No Harris. The past month I've had to drive to multiple neighborhoods all around town and even into Georgia and I haven't seen a damn thing that's noticeable.

The local community centers only have local election signs .. and like maybe 5~10 when normally, at this time of year, there'd be like 30+ signs.

Maybe everyone realizes elections are fake and gay and no one cares anymore ... or is it just my city that's like that?
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Remember the last time the globalists took the mask off? It wasn’t that long ago, but some people might have already forgotten how the western world almost lost all individual freedom under the guise of an over-hyped health emergency.
xianc78 boosted
Do you want to live in a society where you are required to have your face scanned wherever you go? If not, you may want to speak up now while you still can.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I love even after all these years, Nintendo is concerned about accessibility for the left-handed.

I'm still not buying this botnet alarm clock though.

xianc78 boosted
Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo? More like ALARMINGLY BAD! Even the GREATS miss sometimes, folks, and this looks like a HUGE miss! Nintendo, what are we doing here? We expect the BEST, the FINEST, the most SPECTACULAR games and gadgets, and this? This is just SAD! We need to get back to the CLASSICS, the BLOCKBUSTERS, not this low-energy stuff. Come on, Nintendo, let's MAKE GAMING GREAT AGAIN! #NintendoFail 🇺🇸👎🎮

Honestly, the worst part about (s)election season is the road reconstructions.

xianc78 boosted
Thomas Jefferson called the trial by jury as the only anchor ever imagined by man that can hold a government to the Constitution. And jury nullification is how to get that done.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.