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xianc78 boosted

If you read about most people who make it past 100 (centennials) you'll fine people who just eat fish and chips or who don't exercise other than walking or short bike rides or who smoke. Meanwhile most marathon runners don't make it to 80 (heavy intake and burn of energy reduces your lifespan a bit).

Living to 100 is probably pure genetic lottery. There's nothing you can do to get you there, and there probably aren't a lot of them because there's zero evolutionary pressure that benefits humans for living that long.

xianc78 boosted
@skylar @icedquinn @djsumdog @xianc78 The problem with being skeptical of certain medical practices is that you will inevitability find yourself in the company of crackpots and grifters. There are reasonable things to be wary of in the modern, chemical and microplastic-laden foodscape, for example, but it has a habit of getting lost in the autistic screeching of people who believe in medbeds, raw water, and chugging Ivermectin by the bucketload.

MAGAtards have unironically ruined the term "deep state" by making it seem like it's only the Democrat Party when the idea was always been that both parties are controlled.

That's why I prefer the term "shadow government".

Even if RFK Jr forces Coca Cola and Pepsi to use cane sugar, I'm still going to support the little guys who have been doing it since the beginning.

xianc78 boosted
It's hilarious that this all boils down to waiting for offices to open on Monday. What a weekend!

For now, you can still access the site via the hidden services: http://rurcblzhmdk22kttfkel2zduhyu3r6to7knyc7wiorzrx5gw4c3lftad.onion http://xdkriz6cn2avvcr2vks5lvvtmfojz2ohjzj4fhyuka55mvljeso2ztqd.onion/
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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Someone needs to keep a public list of every promise that Trump (and his cabinet) has made for this term and see how many of them will actually be fulfilled. If you want a representative government, you better hold your leaders accountable.

xianc78 boosted
HINT: JP Morgan and BlackRock, along with consultancy McKinsey & Company, are collaborating with the Ukrainian government to establish a reconstruction fund.
xianc78 boosted
Eggs have had a complicated history when it comes to health and nutrition. First, they’re good, then they’re bad, then food scientists say they’re good again. Well, researchers are once again placing all their eggs in the “good” basket.
xianc78 boosted

Also I'm noticing artists are privating their Twitter feed because of Elon Musk Bad, not knowing/caring that they're holding their entire content hostage because of the Drama Of The Day (tm).

Then they'll do vid related and wonder why NEETs/similar would rather deal with AI art or third world artists, when finding good artists is harder than the boomer boss finding "good people".

xianc78 boosted
There were 757 reports of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) accounted for between May 2023 and June 2024, according to an unclassified Department of Defense report released Thursday.
xianc78 boosted

Purity spiraling, in-fighting, and the desire to be "ahead of the herd" is what kills virtually every niche ideology or political/social movement. Pretty much every movement that has started or gotten popular in the past decade fell victim to it: libertarianism, the FOSS movement, GamerGate, the alt-right, the alt-lite, the dissident right, third/fourth-wave feminism, the SJW movement, etc.

Is this just some psyop to destroy any movement or is this just a part of human nature?


Added the fourth (and second to final) boss. I plan on having it teleport after shooting.

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xianc78 boosted
@PurpCat @iska Be that guy on Reddit complaining about not having enough food to afford groceries yet having an in-house arcade of Japanese imported machines.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

They are afraid of you abandoning fiat currency.

Because if people do abandon fiat, it's value goes to zero and their ponzi scheme that makes humanity into their slaves goes bye bye.

I just knew that the water fluoridation defenders were going to turn it into a "class struggle" issue.

"Oh you don't like fluoride in the water? You must hate the poor."

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