You thought HP was the way to go, really? It always blows me away people you'd think should know better don't. Apple, HP, Lenovo, IBM, Dell, and Toshiba branded products are defective by design. They include digital restrictions that are hostile to proper support under Linux. WiFi card doesn't work? You can't even replace it. This is why we don't have better support in Linux. People keep giving their money to shitty companies working against our interests. I can understand historically going with one of a select number of HP printers because of the proper support on some models over the competition, but an HP laptop? Hell no.
This post was meant to be a reply to @beardalaxy's reply to my post.
It seems like most of the RPG Maker games out there are fan games or parody games. It's also used a lot by children who have really ambitious ideas, but immediately get hit in the face with the reality of the program's limitations.
People try to make "practice games" in anticipation of creating their dream games, but the practice games are uninspired and life gets in the way.