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xianc78 boosted
I miss internet forums but I'm not using Kiwi Farms. Celebrity gossip and doxing is pretty gay.

>Constantly whines about "American imperialism".
>Endorses European imperialism.

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No, you're wrong. Most Americans don't read after graduating high school, let alone a book as lengthy as a bible.

You Europoors only think we are Bible-thumpers because you find bibles in American hotels.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@sun mp3s were never meant to federate
xianc78 boosted
@sun jellyfin is a perfectly competent music server, by the by
xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 oh that's a chill philosophy. i think a lot would be fixed if we truly had geospatial freedom
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
>The dev insists that outsourcing to Wikidata makes it decentralised and immune to problems

Why would anyone even need to use Funkwhale? Just have audio files on your local computer.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Their ship sailed a long time ago. They had a very good website on how to install it. Problem is, nothing ever worked. No matter how I tried the three different ways, it couldn't even install correctly and work. Their entire system was always screwed up to begin with, and they never implemented anything right. They just made it look pretty to give a face.

xianc78 boosted
@pup self-identified anti fascists don't behave like cops challenge (impossible)
xianc78 boosted
@theorytoe @PurpCat @xianc78 @gabriel It's also funny from the open sores perspective. Small open sores projects don't have these problems. It's always these big projects infiltrated/created by attention addicts that are also addicted to politics.
xianc78 boosted I do want to add that this is one person trying to push this, it will most likely not be merged into upstream.

There is currently no reason to avoid using Funkwhale.

Even this got merged, you can still use Funkwhale, but people would just have to maintain an anti-censorship fork.

xianc78 boosted
@pup my whole hood Just download music & keep it to themselves
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

PSA: Uninstall Funkwhale NOW.

Funkwhale has gone off the deep end and is now trying to add a
hardcoded music blocklist which will apply to songs in your personal music library - not just instances that host far-right podcasts, or the like. Because nothing is more anti-fascist than... not allowing people to listen to their own music on their own computers??? (What in the performative dictatorial nonsense?!)

This is an incredibly dangerous idea - not only is it a centralised blocklist that
applies to your personal media collection and cannot be opted out of, it's also AUTO-GENERATED FROM FUCKING WIKIDATA(!) (The dev insists that outsourcing to Wikidata makes it decentralised and immune to problems, btw...)

xianc78 boosted
Absolutely obligatory: - complete with a premade DOSBox config, presumably for playback on IA, but it takes only minimal effort to rearrange things for my DOSBox Staging setup.
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xianc78 boosted

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