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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
although SETI was just a pipe dream, the fact they would even seek to corrupt this organization proves we're never going to the stars as long as they are in control.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
The ideal way to stay alert is to undermine their ability to manufacture reality, this is a permanent goal that's outside a reactionary timeline. This is why I highlighted Dr Couey's work, because if there was anything people should learn from the Covid Crisis, it's that they're not above breaking a few eggs (innocent lives) to make their omelettes (psyops).

This may sound harsh, but I'd argue raising the alarm about every potential new mass event is counter-productive (puts people in perpetual fear, at the risk of their mental faculties) when compared to more careful analysis and revisiting of what actually drove the events. I think this is how much of the alt-media
has been weaponized against truth-seekers, so many leads but so little time to follow them all.

I know you mean well, and I'm not trying to criticize you directly, just the pattern.


The WEF is holding yet another table-top exercise for a "hypothetical" pandemic. This one claims to be 20x more fatal than COVID (whatever that means).

Remember that the WEF, Gates Foundation, and John Hopkins foundation participated in a similar exercise mere weeks before the first COVID outbreak. They are planning this shit well in advanced.

Share this as far and wide as possible! They might second guess doing this if more people are aware. Just imagine if more people were aware of the Event 201 exercises when the first COVID outbreak happened.

Please boost this post.

I tried my hand at a more traditional roguelike dungeon generator using this algorithm ( The results were more cave-like than I expected. It only uses rooms and corridors, but it doesn't really place them logically, only if it is right next to a wall.

I should try BSP dungeon generation next. It should give more "dungeon-like" maps.

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xianc78 boosted

Don’t bother checking the news regularly. Just take a screenshot of this toot and glance at it every once in a while.

Today’s Headlines:
- Bad Things Happened, Totally Preventable, Politicians Did Nothing
- Politicians Did Stuff That Resulted in Bad Things Happening

Decided to do more practice with procedural generation. For years I always put it off thinking it was too tough to make a dungeon generation algorithm, but then I decided that I could start of by creating Zelda-like dungeons given that the first Zelda game had dungeons using premade rooms that fit on a grid.

I wrote a simple dungeon generator in Java and here are the results. The generator does have a bias for L shaped dungeons though.

xianc78 boosted
> * Starting February 15, 2024, the Steam Client will no longer support 32-bit games

what do you bet they don't release all those games drm-free like they said they would do if steam were to shut down for some reason :blobcatanime:
xianc78 boosted
@coolboymew NewGrounds now lets you upload a .zip file containing an index.html, which it displays in an iframe.

I would copy that format. My product name for it is an "Experience".

A "Submission" is a full page dedicated to an Experience, but Experiences could also be embedded in posts or displayed elsewhere.

It's still a rough idea.

There's another idea I have. It relates to is an advanced file viewer that lets you preview nearly any type of file in the browser. An Experience is really just a file format, so it could render those, but it could also render things like GameBoy ROMs, 3D models, Animal Crossing pattern files, and other rare formats.

The end product is something between NewGrounds and It's built on Nostr, but it maybe also has IPFS capabilities because it seems like it should.

And if you look at NeoCities for inspiration, they've done a good job attracting a youth audience and they teach people how to code. Capturing that audience would be key.
xianc78 boosted
the whole reason the federation model always fails is because it gets in the way of sensitive peoples feelings

I should write that System76 review already.

xianc78 boosted

They found 86-dos 0.1 and 0.34, holy fucking shit!

MS bought the code of this operating system to create MS-DOS.
Therefore this is the oldest version of dos ever and probably one of the first ever created.

xianc78 boosted

Autism? .. That's all .. correct.

I still read documentation and search StackOverflow when I code. If I ever get to the point where I'm stuck and use a friend's OpenAI pro account, it 90% gives me wrong answers only. I'll spend ~30 minutes debugging its shitty code, only to throw it away. Sometimes I'll jump onto IRC and someone will say, "Oh you can't actually do that. It's because of this limitation <link to bug, code or issue>. You gotta do this instead".

ChatGPT 3.5/4 are fucking awful unless it's already a solved problem. At some point, people who keep using Co-Pilot or ChatGPT are going in end up in court over licenses because of some example code that was ripped verbatim from some other project.

I think the AI art and voice stuff might be pretty useful in allowing smaller teams to get animation projects done faster. There are already tools that will render drawing styles on top of line art as you're drawing it, which should get past a lot of copyright issues. It could help mediocre people make really cool shit. But as far as engineering, no one should trust A.I. to design a bridge.

xianc78 boosted

The words “Sentient AI” crossed my stream and now I’m annoyed again

We don’t have AI.

We have large language model “Chinese Room” systems. They aren’t intelligent, aren’t capable of intelligence, and its an entirely 100% fake market. They represent a step backwards in the development of thinking machines, because they are going in the exact opposite direction to get to actual AI. It’s a school of charlatans.

It’s annoying.

xianc78 boosted
#fediblock ers will complain about corporate influence over the internet and then take money from Pierre Omidyar to find out how best to censor one another
xianc78 boosted
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