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xianc78 boosted
@Grumblesock @graf And a reminder that 3000 euros will be 1 meal in 3 years. And they never rise the limit.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Fucken hell: 'On that note, any cash payment above €10,000 will become illegal, while also anonymous cash payments above €3,000.' 🤬
xianc78 boosted
@theorytoe @graf Noooooooo but what about muh apple fines and USB-C? Clearly they are the good guys!
xianc78 boosted
@graf EVERY retard who says the eu is great and respect human rights is larping at this point
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@beardalaxy @graf A browse mods page has now been implemented.

Here is a rough estimate of what still needs to be done:

* The ability to search for anything by title
* Pagination in the browse pages
* Edit game/mods page - Technically I finished it, but re-implementing the way screenshots work means that I have to modify it. I also need to create an edit page for mods as well.
* Delete game/mod script - Working on that right now. I need to make sure that deleting a game/mod also deletes the screenshots and other files
* Delete/ban user - Again need to make sure the deletion is a cascade.
* Admin control panel - This is a list on it's own. I need to make sure the admin has control of everything.
* Report tool - I have a report table in the database, but I haven't implemented reports yet.
* Client-side form validation - This is only for the benefit of the user. Basically, it's JavaScript that validates a form before sending it to the server so the user doesn't have to press the back button if they mess up
* The ability to change passwords
* User avatars
* Links on user profiles - Links to relevant social media, websites, and donation pages
* User comments - Haven't even started implementing them yet.
* User ratings - Haven't even started on this either
* Contact page - Either you or graf will need to set up email addresses to contact the site's staff
* Installation script - Finally, I will need to write a PHP script that will automatically create the database, the necessary file structure, and the first admin account.

Things I'm Considering:

* Moderators - Right now, there are only admins and standard users. I could add support for moderators, but I don't know what privileges they would have that admins won't. Admins can basically edit and delete any content along with banning any user. I feel like moderators would basically have the same privileges as admins in this case. On forums, the only difference is that moderators can't create boards or change ranks of other users. I don't know what the difference would be here.
* Forums - I could either have one forum per game/mod or have general forums for discussing things like game development, modding, or gaming in general. Though adding either of these would just add more complexity and more work for any admins or moderators. Maybe later if the site becomes an active place.

Take note that even though I have meager experience with back-end development, I was never an admin or moderator on any forum, blog, wiki, or any other community site, so my knowledge on this is quite limited.

Anyway, I plan on having this thing done by the end of next month, if not earlier.

xianc78 boosted
The U.S. Embassy in Russia warned Americans to avoid large crowds for 48 hours, ahead of Crocus City Hall attack.

How did they know?
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
>There's still Windows 7 tards that limits themselves on running anything they want and despite the fact they're already limiting themselves like this and they don't want to give in to Microsoft, they still absolutely won't install Linux

Jesus Christ
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted


Suck it Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, my local water utility company, and all the other population control freaks!

Expect a review soon.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Obviously someone needs to make a fork called FREEDIS
xianc78 boosted
You got FIFTEEN YEARS of Redis completely libre, and the existing code before today will continue to be libre for eternity. Calling the license change bait and switch makes you sound retarded.
xianc78 boosted
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