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xianc78 boosted
The Jesuits are a literal military order established under the Papal Bull called Regimini Militantis Eclessiae which means the Military Regiment of the Church. The Nazis based the SS off the structure of the Jesuits.

#jesuits #nwoelites
xianc78 boosted

>Morgan Spurlock, director of the McDonald's documentary Super Size Me has died from cancer at 53

Was he making a documentary called "VaxxMaxx Me"?

xianc78 boosted
What if people could host and monetize their own community on #Nostr, using NIP05 domains as a way to identify community members? They could enjoy a local content feed of like-minded people while remaining connected to the rest of the network...

I feel like this could be really powerful...

👀 @781a1527
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Lockdown amnesia-jumping down the memory hole

Based on his observations that many people have completely forgotten some of the most outrageous violations of individual rights and freedoms perpetrated by governments during the Covid lockdowns – including the lockdowns themselves

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Tags: data_over_time, stats, measles, mmr_vaccine, pharma, polio, vaccine
Source: The booru is down for now
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Added the first and possible only boss, which will appear in the final floor. It's basically just like the Ghoma in the Zelda games except you attack it with the sword as it's the only weapon in the game.

Though given the limited window to attack and the fact that it takes more time to charge at the boss than it is to strike it with a projectile, I don't know how this boss battle will pan out, but I feel like without a proper final boss, the game would end anti-climatically. Also, due to the fact that levels are randomly generated, there is also an issue that the final boss room can be entered from the south, meaning that you will end up behind the boss when the battle starts. Maybe, the final floor can be just a single corridor that leads to the boss, instead of a randomly generated dungeon like the rest of the levels.

Anyway, I just want to get this over with and move on. After working on this project, I can clearly see why Nintendo never considered making a Zelda game with random dungeons. Not saying that it's impossible, but there are so many things you need to take into account (lock and key placement, metroidvania elements, etc) and they are much harder to implement in a randomly generated dungeon compared to a simple roguelike dungeon.

After this, I plan on creating a simple adventure game to practice things like event flags and dialogue trees.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

On the latest #RothPod, @ryanmcmaken, @thobishop, and guest Karl Streitel talk about how the public school monopoly conditions students for obedience—while failing to educate them.

xianc78 boosted

Race laws in South Africa favor blacks

"The statutory BEE requirements for state contracts are supplemented by a moral and ethical culture of “Transformation” in which it is deemed a just imperative to maintain and indeed deepen race-based legislation."

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
RT Alot of people are asking me to expand on the paranormal insight on the Nick Rekieta medallion curse. I'm not familiar with him, but here's my analysis you guys are asking for. #curse #nickrekieta #ghost #ghostdoctor #ghostbehaviorist #paranormal #ghoststories #haunting
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

• Clean your tubs, tile and sinks
• Clean dirt & residue on fruit & veggies
• Absorbs radiation
• Absorbs heavy metals
• Alkalizes the body
• Natural toothpaste
• Freshen your mouth
• Facial scrub and body exfoliant
• Non toxic deodorant
• Treat insect bites & itchy skin
• Make a hand cleanser and softener
• Wash your dishes
• Clean floors
• Clean furniture
• Clean shower curtains
• Clean baby clothes
• Clean cloth diapers
• Clean batteries
• Clean cars
• Freshen linens
• Treat colds and the flu
• Deodorize stinky feet
• Clean brushes and combs
• Make a bath soak
• Soothe your feet

500 ml filtered water (fluoride free)
1 tbsp baking soda
3 tbsp vinegar
• Mix in a 500 ml spray bottle and spray fruit and veggies then rinse.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.