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xianc78 boosted
@dcc Hardware != software.

Hardware has many physical limitations, some which can be worked around with physical modification, while software can be freely modified (although certain types of software running on specialized hardware can only physically have limited kinds of modifications performed).

Of course ideally I would be running a free hardware design of GNU/SoC on a fast freedom-respecting FGPA, but that's not currently remotely practical and the FGPA would still be proprietary.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

sleepover (2007). i would like to thank my teenager self for thinking that this scene was worth photographing

xianc78 boosted
The shift away from open standards did not hurt these companies in the slightest, and only benefited them. StackOverflow, whose community is most developers, had less than a 2% OpenID usage. Mozilla Persona wasn't ahead of it's time, it was a regression to the mean; a project Mozilla gave up on just like they gave up on ... not being a total piece of shit company that forced resignations of a Christian because of his private religious beliefs.

Do you really think any new federation signon system will catch on, outside of truly open source distributed projects? In the 90s they might have, but today, we have way too many commies who have personal missions to push Code-of-conducts and documentation changes in projects they've never written a single line of code for. The frothing morons on Hackernews will praise such people (the ones who don't are banned) and we watch everything turn to shit under a blanket of ideological luxury beliefs.

I don't want to be negative. I want to believe. But my negative comes from what I've seen with my own eyes. It's a moral panic that is not going away. It will only grow like a cancer.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

NEW ARTICLE - The WHO: Building a Permanent Pandemic Market

In the face of a potentially industry-ending slew of patent cliffs, Big Pharma has begun acquiring biotechnology companies to stave off collapse. To get these drugs to market, the industry is pursuing the only solution left for their dying model: a full takeover of the WHO to capture the global regulatory system.

Can someone with experience with GNU Taler tell me if it's potentially better than crypto? Do any of the government laws regarding crypto also apply to something like GNU Taler? What are it's shortcomings outside of it's obscurity.

I'm well aware that crypto has some major flaws but I really do think that it's important for us to have a digital exchange medium that is decentralized and allows us to made (somewhat) anonymous transactions.

xianc78 boosted
@xianc78 @Spingebill The other thing with the gambling rabbit hole is that there are a LOT of people like Bossmanjack out there, and Eddie is making assloads of cash on these people. They even sponsor people because when they win it's free marketing, and when they lose future addicts will think "oh I can gamble better than he can".

This IMO is going to be the next scandal used against crypto.

Another thing that amazes me about the whole crypto thing is all the governments banning and regulating it because while they claim that they don't want people to use it for illegal purposes, by banning it or regulating it to hell and back, they are ENSURING that people will ONLY use it illegally. White market businesses won't be able to accept it anymore, while the black and gray markets will continue to use it.

Granted the real reason is probably because they want people to stick to fiat and eventually use CBDCs, but the illegal business argument makes no sense.

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It amazes me that the anti-crypto crowd would rather be at the mercy of the payment processors that they hate than to accept any crypto transactions.

Crypto isn't perfect, don't get me wrong, but these "all crypto bad" types prefer you not to use it, even for donations because otherwise you are catering to those evil ancaps and contributing to climate change.

Unfortunately, there really is no other option for those who want to donate or purchase things online (semi)-anonymously and/or without a man in the middle. Maybe something like GNU Taler will fix that, but I don't know who uses that or how that works.

xianc78 boosted
Toxic particles emitted from paints, cleansers and air fresheners and off-gassed from vinyl floors, carpets and furniture can be surprisingly persistent. #health
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
I hate how neutrality is just dead. How every single person who runs an organization has to take stances on the CURRENT THING™️. I don't wanna know what you think about the war. I don't wanna know what you think about faggotry, I shouldn't have to know. I'd rather things be neutral than based.
xianc78 boosted
@HonkHonkBoom no this is someone who runs a repo for php on it because the people using debian won't make new repos for php

You're at the mercy of people like this if you don't wanna fiddle with building each release like it's gentoo~
xianc78 boosted

God's Disdain will be DRM-free and will also be completely unencrypted. While the game doesn't directly support mods, you will be able to modify/replace any of the files, including everything in-engine if you own RPG Maker MV. I only ask that you don't steal anything for your own projects without prior permission :)

xianc78 boosted

@BeAware @jerrykimbro The #Minds #API is borderline unusable lol…I just boosted it, let me know if you see it

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@PurpCat you know what they say about eggs and the baskets, they are preparing the terrain to build the one distro to rule them all with shit like SystemDicks and code of conduct crap, this is just part of the game
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Game Liberty Mastodon

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