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xianc78 boosted
Now in Effect: Louisiana Law Makes State the 5th to Recognize Gold and Silver as Legal Tender.

Beyond the provisions to make gold and silver legal tender, the bill also specifies that “no person shall incur any liability for refusal to accept recognized legal tender for the payment of debts, except as provided by contract.”

In practice, including this contract clause means if parties voluntarily agree to be paid, or to pay, in gold and silver coin or bullion, the Louisiana courts could not substitute any other thing, e.g. Federal Reserve Notes, as payment.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Everyone should really try to set up a searx instance on their machines. There's only a few hundred users right now. If enough decent folks started running it and scraped a little piece of the Internet they care about (you can even set it up as a proxy server to scrape any site you've been to) then we'd have a search platform that, while imperfect, would at least actually have all the sites places like Google refuses to show.

So the new Fairly Odd Parents series seems to be even worse than I thought. Poof makes an appearance as an adult, but his name is now Peri because apparently, "Poof" is a homophobic slur in some countries. Him appearing as an adult makes no sense because I thought fairies aged slowly, but he claims that he hasn't seen his parents in over 10,000 years, but it still doesn't make sense because he is godparenting Doug Dimmadome's grandson.

Butch Hartman REALLY got screwed.

xianc78 boosted
Despite what supporters of the monster state want you to believe, there are times when states push back against federal power and the supremacy clause doesn’t even apply. Learn about this powerful 10th Amendment tool called anti-commandeering.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
We can’t rely solely on lawsuits and courts to protect us from the growing wave of anti-speech internet legislation. We need to let the lawmakers know that the public is becoming aware of their censorship plans—and won’t stand for them!

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Most RPGs and (non-action) adventure games are examples of "I have a brilliant idea for a world and story, but I have zero ideas on actual game mechanics."

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.