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xianc78 boosted
In this clip from TCR Live #140, Derrick Broze breaks down new reports on the Biden Administration preparing an executive order to fast track he implementation of “mobile drivers licenses”, also known as digital drivers licenses.
xianc78 boosted
What if the secret to unlocking your child’s cognitive potential was as simple as a 10-second stretch? It may sound too good to be true, but a revolutionary study from Japan highlights this possibility.
xianc78 boosted
I am sunsetting I am converting it to readonly, and shutting off the servers in 18 months.

All the NFTs were created using IPFS, so they won't disappear if you pin the data on another IPFS server. We built this thing to last and not be another NFT scam.

All revenue was in Ubiq in a wallet that we never touched. Ubiq is basically dead now, so unofficially there was zero profit on the endeavor.

But in reality, the experience I got working on it got me a job in the crypto industry, which has been remunerative. And I had a lot of fun doing it.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Stay away from any product with this sticker on it..its Bill Gates company
xianc78 boosted

Trigger warning: Some of these are pretty radical.

Short term:
- Eliminate corporate welfare / subsidies
- Flat tax. No more loopholes for people who can afford to spend $100k on accountants
- Limit legal fees and institute a loser pays system. Give the small guy a chance in the courtroom against megacorporations. Probably three dozen other refinements to cut down on the disproportionate power of retaining huge lawfirms.

Medium term:
- Eliminate corporate personhood and liability shields. Force the decision makers in the company to put their asses personally on the line for decisions they make.
- Eviscerate IP and copyright. Stop handing out government-enforced monopolies on ideas, thoughts, and speech like it's halloween candy. As a side bonus, it would cut WAY down on opportunities for passive income, bringing wealth accumulation more in line with economic contribution (aka: work in => money out).
- Sunset clause on ALL laws. Something generous like 25 years, but then it expires. There are too many laws on the books, and they create a MASSIVE economic drain.

Long term:
- Deregulate almost everything. In a free market, the long-term solution to almost every problem is competition. History has shown that every regulatory regime is eventually captured by the big players in the industry it is intended to regulate, and then used to punish the smaller players and prevent new competition from forming.
xianc78 boosted
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has finally admitted what we knew all along: Facebook conspired with the government to censor individuals expressing “disapproved” views about the COVID-19 pandemic.
xianc78 boosted
Earlier this year, NPR's Code Switch discussed, "The conspiracy theory alleges that a shadowy global elite conspires to control the world's population, in part by forcing them to eat insects." Well, do we have news for them...
xianc78 boosted
DOOM has been ported to Stable Diffusion. As in, this is literally being run on nothing but stable diffusion frames and a "memory" that allows the machine learning algorithm to infer what the next frame should look like based on input. It's literally making all of this up in real time.
xianc78 boosted
As wars in Ukraine and the Middle East continue to rage, Vertical Research Partners forecasts top weapon manufacturers will experience record cash flow during the coming years.
xianc78 boosted
@Aether I would be better to call them brute force pattern recognition models.
xianc78 boosted
Why AI can't spell "strawberry".

I've said before that what we are currently calling AI models, which is really just Large Language Models or LLMs, don't understand anything at all except language. They're language models. That's what they do, and it's all they do.

Except that's not quite true, because they don't understand language in any real way either.

>The failure of large language models to understand the concepts of letters and syllables is indicative of a larger truth that we often forget: These things don't have brains. They do not think like we do. They are not human, nor even particularly humanlike.

>Most LLMs are built on transformers, a kind of deep learning architecture. Transformer models break text into tokens, which can be full words, syllables, or letters, depending on the model.

>"LLMs are based on this transformer architecture, which notably is not actually reading text. What happens when you input a prompt is that it's translated into an encoding," Matthew Guzdial, an AI researcher and assistant professor at the University of Alberta, told TechCrunch. "When it sees the word 'the,' it has this one encoding of what 'the' means, but it does not know about 'T,' 'H,' 'E.'"

Typeahead with delusions of grandeur.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

#Mitra v3.3.0

- Bookmarks.
- Custom emojis in bio.
- Added popular unicode emojis to emoji picker.
- Displaying downvotes on Lemmy posts.

Now that the toxicity of fluoridated water is no longer a conspiracy, you literally have no excuse not to get a fluoride filter. If you own your own home and can afford it, there are filters that will filter all off your water, otherwise just get a water filtration jug like me. (not sponsored)

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xianc78 boosted
Stretching every day might just add years to your life, it seems. A new study has uncovered an intriguing connection between body flexibility and longevity in middle-aged adults. #Health

The US government is now okay with revealing with the suppressed data of fluoride toxicity because they know that most people are distracted by the latest celebrity and tranny drama that they wouldn't even notice.

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xianc78 boosted
The recent CrowdStrike situation is perhaps the worst web disruption ever, and that was just a bug in a software update. Imagine if someone wanted to deliberately damage internet functions for an extended period of time? The results would be catastrophic.
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