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xianc78 boosted

"Guilt by association"

He literally hired Steven Mnuchin, the fucktard that screwed over America in the 2008 financial crisis from Goldman Sachs!

He literally consulted with Larry Fink to create the abysmally bad financial policies during the scamdemic that has lead to insane money printing and inflation!

Oh I guess I shouldn't judge Trump by THE PEOPLE HE LITERALLY FUCKING HIRES.

yes, i believe trump when he says he's opposed to CBDCs

He might even believe it. I don't think that matters. Any new money system proposed will immediately have Republicans clamoring "It's not a CDBC. This one is different. It's privately held" or something equally Orwellian.

i don't really like whitney webb. she leans too far left and talks too much

Okay. Good good. ad hominem attack against her and not her reporting. I like it!

you should try not talking out of your ass

I'm literally giving you well though out ideas, talking about why I'm thinking those ideas, listing where I got those ideas, and your response is that of a whiny ideological shit-tard. You could try addressing the point instead of insulting everyone you don't agree with like the leftist you claim to hate while you act like them.

Speaking of the DS turning 20 this year, check out this screenshot of 4chan/v/ during that time. It's a completely different place than what it is now!

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
The Biden Administration is considering an Executive Order for digital IDs, picking up where Donald Trump’s left off during his time in the White House.


Decided to bite the bullet and add bombs because I feel like I need at least one more boss fight in the game. If I can't make bombable walls, then I can just have enemies that can only be killed by bombs instead. The game is too boring with just a sword.

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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Just to let you know that the Nintendo DS turns 20 years old in two months. Now does that make you feel old?

xianc78 boosted
New controls on foreigners — including US citizens — visiting Europe starts in November 2024. This is to be followed by a further ratcheting up of control and surveillance of foreign travelers to Europe scheduled for some time in 2025.
xianc78 boosted
Okay imagine if you could detach your account from Poast and link it up with any other instance without having to make a new account and import your follow list, imagine if it was just modular. That's what Nostr is and does, and you can detach and move even after you get banned.
xianc78 boosted
Hasn't it literally been years now? Revolver is fake, just accept it. The nostrchad network already exists and it's better than some retard fedi bs.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
_You Will Never Get High Blood Pressure after Watching This Video_

Root causes: Vitamin D deficiency + potassium deficiency + insulin resistance + calcium/magnesium imbalance.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
People shoplifting from big chain stores is how food deserts are created.

It costs tens of thousands of dollars per day to keep a single Walmart open. If a store isn't selling that much in merchandise every day, they're losing money.

You might think, "me stealing one bag of chips isn't hurting anyone", but if a thousand people are all thinking the same thing, that's a thousand people who are all stealing chips, among other things. That adds up, and that cuts into their operating costs.

Of course, you don't care about that, but here's the thing: a big retail chain might be able to absorb millions of dollars of revenue lost due to theft, but they're under no obligation to do so, and they can and will close a store if it isn't profitable simply because keeping an unprofitable store open is wasting their money.

When you shoplift, you're not harming the big, bad corporation. The corporation can simply close that store and instantly make back whatever was lost from their thousands of other locations, just by cutting the dead weight. They'll make the decision as dispassionately as they would discontinuing a product or laying off unneeded employees. It's all just numbers to them. They don't care.

It's the people who relied on that store who are out of luck. Those are the ones hurt by shoplifting.

When those stores close, the people in those communities have fewer places to shop. It should be obvious, but this hurts low income people who can't easily travel far to get food or other necessities. This harms the poor.

These are those second-order effects people on Twitter and Reddit never think about.
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