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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

According to an infamous anti-piracy PSA that just recently celebrated its 20th birthday, "downloading a copy of a movie is the same as stealing a physical disc from a regular store, stealing a handbag, or even stealing a car."

Except it isn't. When you steal something another party is deprived of the thing you've stolen from them. That doesn't happen when you make a copy of a friends content.

Copyright is an artificial creation that was crafted by people with the aim of depriving everyone of their natural born right to communicate for the private gain of a select minority. While it was sold to us as a means to promote the arts and sciences they've forgotten that the sales pitch was "for the public good" and a limited time. How long? 7 years. Today for all practical purposes copyright doesn't expire. Something produced today will not enter into the public domain until after you are long since dead. Copyrights today can survive 120+ years in the right circumstances.

It's time to put an end to copyright and patents. Preserve actual property rights, not works of fiction that defraud the public of their inalienable right to speak.

If you support what a project or creator does, tip them, donate, make a contribution if you can. Subscribe to a related service, buy a t-shirt, but whatever you do don't fund the bullies. Don't purchase a license, or subscribe to a SaaS.

"Software as a Service" (SaaS) refers to a cloud-based model where software applications are hosted by a provider and accessed by users over the internet on a subscription basis.

I don't usually 'pimp my company', but I'll do so here as we aim to tackle this kind of crap through a series of GNU/Linux offerings:

Win for the free man:

xianc78 boosted

The NiCD and NiMH batteries killing 90s laptops (just one way they rot from the inside)

Recently, my NEC PC-9821Nr15 laptop had a component burn out, either due to a loose screw in the chassis somewhere or age. Essentially, I have to hold the power switch for seconds to make the laptop power on now and stay on. Unfortunately, after tearing down the laptop, I was unable to see a “burnt” component. I have no schematics of this laptop, and I don’t think many 90s laptops have leaked boardview schematics or something like even some low-end Lenovo will these days. Nor do they have test carts, in depth documentation, and even hidden diagnostic modes like many 80s computers did. If it breaks, your best bet is to buy another. So I bought a sight unseen for the most part, PC-9821Nr166. Unfortunately, this one had hidden damage, and the damage was barely hidden in the low-quality, low-resolution YAJ images. It was sold as a junk as-is item that might or might not have leaks, and quite frankly I should have paid closer attention.

Essentially, I wasted $100 on a parts donor laptop with a trashed motherboard, good LCD screen, and a dead battery that is probably leaking inside of its case. But let’s take a look at what is inside a random 90s laptop, because I want this to be a PSA. The laptop was sold as powering on to a PASSWORD DESTROYED screen. For those of you who don’t know PC-98s, that is one of the first screens you get when turning on a later PC-9821 along with SET SOFTWARE DIP SWITCH, this is to indicate that the password has been reset on models with passworded BIOSes. However, after a few attempts at powering on the laptop would power on to a solid BEEP with no video out, and then nothing.

I tore the laptop apart to see what was wrong with it, and what I found was horrific. So, let’s take a look inside. The first sign of trouble was seeing corrosion in the HDD bay, and on one of the screws. This was hidden damage, buried below the modem board on this model.

The keyboard had rust below it, common on Japanese PCs…mixed with corrosion.

Inside, the NiMH standby battery had not only leaked, but it crawled through the multi-layer traces to the RAM slot and other parts of the board. The Lithium VL2330 battery had not leaked, as these never leak. In fact, the NiCD leakage was so bad that the connector had fused itself to the socket!

Essentially what I was left with, was a nice PC-98 shaped object: a dead laptop that was only good for parts. Maybe some of the chips would be good for decapping and I’m sure the YMF288 would be a nice chip to salvage for a project, but for now it’s a useless brick that only exists as parts for another PC-98 laptop.

The problem is, this is not exclusive to PC-98 laptops or NEC laptops. This is a common issue that affected numerous 90s laptops. See, 90s laptops loved to use NiCD or NiMH batteries as either the main system battery, a CMOS battery, or as a backup battery. The end result is a barely functional or nonfunctional laptop with serious issues caused by leakage. On Thinkpad 755 laptops, the battery leaks onto the keyboard membrane. On others, it corrodes the entire board. There are multiple
threads about this very issue affecting their laptops too. Due to multi-layer PCBs, a lack of schematics, and niche interest, there isn’t much that can be done to save these laptops other than to remove the NiCD batteries if they have not leaked too badly, and consider yourself lucky. If a NiCD battery is needed, you can always do what the pinball guys did and wire in a blocking diode with a lithium battery or something. No really, you can find tons of videos of pinball guys doing this to the simpler PCBs used there:

With that being said, that’s not talking about the capacitor issues on old laptops too that kill them and leak as well, or rotting plastics, or vinegar syndrome. In other words, 90s laptops are rotting themselves from the inside in multiple ways!

With a PC-98 desktop, or PC desktop of the era, this is not a problem. A Socket 5/7 system from the same era will probably keep working for a long period of time. They don’t have rotting plastics, rotting LCDs, or leaky caps. They just werk. If the PSU is normal/standard, you can even grab a generic PSU or adapter if it blows out, and some later PC-98 desktops like the ValueStar and Ra series do this. A PC-9821Ra20 or V200 can be upgraded with an ATX PSU from Micro Center, and the same goes with many PCs using AT or ATX PSUs.

Essentially if you don’t hate yourself and don’t want parts machines, buy a desktop and save yourself the hassle.



xianc78 boosted
calling 211 in a minute but i'd appreciate anyone who can see this and offer me any kind of help
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xianc78 boosted
doxing myself a bit over this but...
does anyone know anywhere i can stay for the night in the 757 and get a ride there cus i have a couple heavy bags? otherwise i'm either sleeping outside tonight or calling the hospital to stay there
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@kf01 Anything that unironically uses that shit is an abomination.
xianc78 boosted
>Civ VII trailer has BCE and CE
It just keeps getting worse
xianc78 boosted
@lanodan @sun if you listen to people like jones they make it sound like its all hopeless because our enemies are technological gods in control of every atom of the planet with supercomputers

then you realize the controller's websites have passwords like trumpputin, hunter2, and canada is having to rob civilians for guns because the nato stockpiles actually don't exist

we are ruled over by morons :cat_sad:
xianc78 boosted
"I treated my son like shit but my daughter like a princess, why won't he talk to me? Ah well time to buy my daughter another Altima after wrecking hers"
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
For some, the meme-ification of raw milk (and related products like beef tallow) is just a sideshow to what is increasingly, clearly, a small "r" anti-bureaucrat populist political revolt.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I do get, that people have learned the helplessness against ads already, but why do they KEEP FIGHTING ME whenever I try to suggest alternatives for them?

xianc78 boosted
Looking at the git nostr spec again. Dreaming of a github app in notedeck, where I can “share” pull requests to damus mail to do code review from there for later.

The idea is that you should be able to pin any threadlike nostr notes in your inbox, and track updates from there.

it would make sense for notedeck to have a “standard library” for ui widgets that different apps can use to render notes (like git patches, etc). So both the mail app and github app could render them.

nostr is slowly consuming all the apps i use
xianc78 boosted
Elements of a #nostrmail client i am planning in Damus Mail:

- encrypted, private, no metadata (giftwraps)
- threaded (nip10)
- titled threads (subject tag)
- to,cc,etc (sent to the npub’s inbox relays)
- replaceable event that refer to the “state” of a given thread: is it archived, labels, etc. archived threads don’t appear in inbox

This should be a solid foundation for a nostr mail client, and it could also provide an interface to nip17 dms as well.
xianc78 boosted
Despite what supporters of the monster state want you to believe, there are times when states push back against federal power and the supremacy clause doesn’t even apply.

Learn about this powerful 10th Amendment tool called anti-commandeering.
xianc78 boosted
Oklahoma Bill Would Create State Bullion Depository - and establish a mechanism for individuals to engage in transactions using precious metals including gold and silver.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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