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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Sometimes, when you are coming up with scenarios for fiction, you have to think if the plot will go well in our current climate.

For example, I have a Strangereal (Ace Combat)-like fictional universe. In it, I have an idea for a 3-way war that happens in said universe. Basically, an island territory is allowed to secede from its host nation, and becomes a quasi-libertarian nation, but this creates opposition from both far-left and far-right factions. In total, there are 3 factions:

* The newly created nation
* A far-left, post-colonial anarchist liberation front comprised of some of the indigenous population along with allies.
* Some far-right, imperial Japan-like country who takes it as an opportunity to conquer the newly independent territory.

All three factions are at war with each other. In the game you are able to pick which faction you are on. The only problem is that I feel like such a scenario would be controversial. I just thought a 3-way conflict would be interesting and this is the first scenario that came to my mind.

Do you think this is fine? I have other stories for this setting, including an American-like country going to war with a country that is like a Modernized Roman Empire.

xianc78 boosted
Most normal people just pull a phone out of a box and use it. Not being a normal person, I OEM unlock a device and flash/de-google it before use. I'm glad I don't change devices often, and that my last phone lasted 5 years. Hopefully the new on does the same:
xianc78 boosted
Exciting news! Ownership of Activist Post and Natural Blaze has been transferred to Charlie Robinson. He will be making improvements to both websites and many other interactive elements in the coming days, which will give a fresh look.
xianc78 boosted
Giving people money doesn't stop them being poor.

Another UBI study fails without even asking the fundamental question of where the money comes from.
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

Internet shutdowns, cybercrime laws, age verification, and repression of speech in times of conflict—just a few of the threats to free expression we documented in 2024.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Frank @Decayable @DickJohnson @Doll @Folklore @Formerly_Trucks @Sui @fknretardlol @phnt @p @ins0mniak yeah the problem is if you want to make a game you're going to attract "idea guys" who want to leech off you.

wanted to make a game back in 2017 and you get the guys who think that gaming is like those game design college ads from the 00s
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Aether honestly the best car to buy today is an old vintage car with zero computers.

Are there any modders ripping off the cars' computers already? I'm sure that's a niche that will start popping out
xianc78 boosted
VW leaked data for 800,000 of its cars.

This doesn't include your payment information. Just where you live, where you work, where you go shopping, where your kids go to school, and indeed the GPS coordinates of everywhere your car ever went, because of course VW was recording that and storing it on an unsecured cloud server.
xianc78 boosted

The game reached and surpassed 300 wishlists! Thank you so much everyone!

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xianc78 boosted

Still working on beta 1.0.5. I'll be releasing it soon-ish. Just trying to get another playthrough in before I do, but it will at the very least be released before February. It is, so far, the largest patch so far in terms of just the amount of things that have been fixed/changed. 26 items atm.

There are some softlocks it fixes, but none that are particularly egregious. If I find something that's REALLY BAD then I'll push the update forward immediately.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.