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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
Mostr Bridge is still under attack by people trying to suppress the free exchange of information online.
xianc78 boosted

The USPS is good for nothing. I had a package delivered on the 24th. Another package was supposed to be delivered on the 26th but they claimed the address is inaccessible and blocked redelivery requests. I submitted a help ticket and was told the package would be delivered today. It was not. Additionally, the USPS retaliated by holding another package that was scheduled for today, claiming it was "at the customer request". We made no such request. I hope the USPS is privatized. They're garbage and need to be hammered like the ugly as nail sticking up that they are.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
The thing I like about January 1: Public Domain Day.
Read to see what books, films, and characters can now be used by anybody. #PublicDomainDay #copyright #intellectualproperty #publicdomain

Happy New Year to all my fellow CST people.

Can we just go one month without some shitty division and outrage psyop?

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

PSA: If you want to help 86Box emulation accuracy, the project is seeking dumps of ISA plug-and-play cards' PnP ROMs to facilitate more accurate emulation. Here's how you can dump your retro rig's PnP ROMs easily:

1. Download
2. Put isapnp/ISAPNP.EXE on your retro PC
3. Run ISAPNP.EXE on the retro PC (if you have many ISA cards, consider running it many times as to cover them all)
4. Respond to this Fediverse message with a ZIP file containing the output .BIN files!

Sound Blaster and ESS Audiodrive dumps are particularly sought after by the project (including duplicates - a few undocumented revisions have been spotted this way), but any and all dumps will be useful long-term! Thank you!

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
"We printed too much money we need to import cheap labor to control inflation" has sawdust in the bread vibes.

How about just stop printing money?
xianc78 boosted

Meta is now using AI-generated profiles to drive up “engagement” on Facebook and Instagram.

Now why would they do this?

Well, for one thing, organic engagement on both those platforms is dead—and it’s been dead for awhile. And now they’re stuck in a loop where influencers aren’t talking to people—they’re talking to algorithms.

So what about the 98% of users who aren’t influencers? Well, most of their content gets stuck in a void with no engagement. And this drives down satisfaction. Why post your breakfast to Instagram if no one sees it?

Therefore, Meta needs to build the illusion of engagement to satiate that need for connection. And Zuckerberg assumes most people will be satisfied with bot interaction.

But what I suspect is that this will lead to a diminishment of trust on those platforms.

xianc78 boosted
can we *not* base the cyberpunk future where we have to hack our toasters and ovens and shit on the world's most half-baked computer?

how about a nice PIC microcontroller instead
xianc78 boosted
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