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xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

The "Ring Lady" of Herculaneum was a Roman woman who died around 45 years of age near the ancient waterfront of Herculaneum during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

She was found surrounded by her gold jewellery and still wearing emerald and ruby rings on her left hand. Her jewellery was in perfect condition.

Apparently, this photo was taken just few hours after the discovery.


xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

At the stroke of midnight on the New Year, the income tax in New Hampshire will be truly and totally dead.

RIP to the Interest and Dividends Tax — as NH leads the way on tax abolition.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Heil_Honkler @Hoss Yeah the welfare system seems designed to trap people in poverty forever
xianc78 boosted
i think if you just had a good economic system without the government propping up evil monopolies and in which people are unable to profit in evil and exploitative ways then you likely wouldn't need a wealth cap because wealth would naturally cap out around whatever the wealthiest you can get without being evil is (which is definitely somewhere lower than a billion dollars)
xianc78 boosted

do people still use WP or is there better shit? trying to set up my artist site now

xianc78 boosted
To be an independent woman now is essentially to reject feminism. That's cosmic levels of funny. You can actually shit test an "independent" woman independently into becoming a housewife voluntarily. Maybe classic liberals were onto something...

I'm so sick of listening to this whole Elon Musk/H1B situation, but I feel like I'm on the side of Eric S. Raymond when it comes to this issue. The real issue is not due to corporate greed, but rather stupidity because we are in a lose-lose situation.

If I were hiring right now (which I'm not; don't ask), I would definitely hire actual America tech workers who are currently DoorDashing just to get by. You have plenty of young Americans with CS degrees who will happily work for you. Most programmers have been programming long before they even learned how to drive. They have actual passion for the field. They want these types of jobs.

There is also more that goes into tech-jobs than just college degrees or CompTIA certs. It's easier to hire the wrong people because everything is standardized these days. You also need people who think outside the box and that thing can't be certified and that trait is often found in western countries.

Honestly, the HR departments have more power than the CEOs these days. That's why the DEI crowd infiltrated them first. You really need to gut these HR departments and either rebuild them from the ground up. Have a strict "no-nepotism" policy. If you see repeated instances of HR hiring mostly people who are 4th or 5th cousins from the other side of the planet, investigate and fire if need be.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

I've been using Void Linux on servers for years. I decided to finally contribute some packages, and wrote a tool to make it easier to build packages outside of the standard repository. This post covers some useful tools in Void, my voidup package building tool, and many of the issues I encountered which make me wonder if I should keep support Void Linux.

xianc78 boosted
xianc78 boosted

@eriner sure it is, it’s very capitalist for the bottom 90% and a socialist security state for the top 10%.

xianc78 boosted

@eriner — unless you add the adjective “crony”. ;D

Definitely not a free market though!

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