xianc78 boosted

I've written the first dev log for our game, currently in early stages of development. You can read about it here: canithesis.org/news/game-scien

xianc78 boosted

I never visit Fosdem because I like their ethics or anything like that.

My main reason for visiting Fosdem for me is just to meet people and socialize. Most of my fedi timeline is going there so I just wanna chill and maybe watch some interesting talk here and there.

Personally I would love to have an actual free software conference similar to LibrePlanet in Europe.

Yeah, instead of protesting at Fosdem (which is never going to be good, due to being organized by open source), I think our time would be much better spent much better organizing an actual free software conference.

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xianc78 boosted

The presence of ethically questionable companies worth millions or even billions of euros like Google, Red Hat, Oracle, Mozilla, Element, Canonical and many many more was always there at FOSDEM.

If you have a problem with Jack Dorsey's new Block company you should ask yourself the question, why is this any different?

To me this seems just like another drop in the bucket.

Remember that FOSDEM is not a free software convention, it has "open source" in the name. The organizers do not care about software freedom. It has always been like this.

xianc78 boosted

Anyway if Jack Dorsey wants to talk about his bullshit blockchain company who the fuck cares, right?

Just don't watch the talk?

I do not see the point in disrupting the talk with protests.

xianc78 boosted
so here's the big question, fedi: who's hiring me as their live-in sperg gf
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xianc78 boosted
if i was getting paid monthly e.g. through liberapay just to have money to live normally again, i'd be more than happy to work full-time on the shit i said i was gonna do, and try my hands atnew shit like porting/testing shit for mobile (lineage and pmOS). basically i wanna do all the tedious shit nobody else wants to touch but someone needs to do if we're gonna have any hope to ax all the technical debt around us
xianc78 boosted

Tags: rhetoric, gun_control, guns, usa, america
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