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If it isn't age, politicians may want to regulate pure on content. 🤷‍♂️

@shebang @stormbringer
Youtube does this via CreditCard or "Send a copy of your ID over the Internet" 🤯

Both can be circumvented by a kid who knows how to steal from their parents, sure. Or you can say that your birthday is 1st of January in a year between 1900 and 2003.

@shebang Don't say this too often, politicians may want to regulate this.

@realcaseyrollins mullvad doesn't have a free tier, although this one seems to take privacy very seriously. Something you cannot deny while you make an account and select the payment option.

As for Proton, there is this , EU money, and at least they are open about this...

@realcaseyrollins I don't really trust the Proton product suite anymore, and recently started using Mullvad for my VPN needs.

Explains why nothing what you posted rings a bell.

...and why I am sad my time with Empyrion wasn't this cool. 😞

@xianc78 Very true. Unfortunately I've played everything else it seems, I am scraping the bottom of the barrel here when it comes to shooters that aren't highschool or art projects.

@beardalaxy I have played TF2 to death. (Its the only game that made me suspend my EA boycot for a second). I love the short SinglePlayer campaign that is really well made, its excellent.

And I have enjoyed MP for countless hours too =)

I can recommend this game, although, you need to mod the game to play MP on public TF2 servers. Due to hackers and DOSers the original TF2 are effectively shut down.

I am looking for a story-rich FPS (that isn't Half-Life, COD, or BF), any suggestions?

An electronic trigger seems like a reliability issue on the ground that batteries die. You want to pickup a weapon and go pew pew pew instead of performing 12 steps to check if the battery isn't dead and needs replacement.

I was considering installing Gitea and Synapse (matrix) on my home server. But then I realised I have absolutely no use for either at the moment, so I will save myself some memory and disk space until I find some use for it.

@freemo Snorting blow from some chick's tits, like a normal person. D'uh!

@crunklord420 I forgot who he was until you showed me the pic. Even then, I recognize the picture, but forgot the story and controversy with this guy.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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