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Also domain names enjoyed inflation. `` almost doubled in price in roughly 3.5 years time.

@deprecated_ii 30s and 40s white collar professionals don't want to get me'tooed? Who could have seen that one coming.

@a1ba I think my M2 is being held in its place with ductape connecting it to the mobo.

@publiclewdness @navycorpsman6969
And an entire generation that wasn't raised with 'MURICA! themed action movies. Or didn't learn how to take pride in one's nation.

@freemo @matrix
Don't forget that criminology professor that got outed as a fraud, despite being protected by everyone in the industry.

@matrix And gay, "explain it to me like I am $UNDER_AGE". That is pRedditor tier shit.

@matrix I only know about gooning, goons, and the goonies. 🙊

@grips The cons for me have always been a reason not to touch it. Other than that it scratches that itch...

@VD15 I found some time to play with this again... I got a bit further.. I had to resort to libvirt, virtsh, and virt-manager.

Now to fix the fucking networking...

@SirHendrick @pascal

Maybe they don't want immigrants ruin more of the NL than it is already.

Maybe they don't want to stain the name of Islam any further.

They are still Dutch, not really in "native" culture, but any other means they are still Dutch with certain interests.

PVV is a conservative socialist shitstain. Maybe they want more moneys, so socialism...

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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