@kingu So much Hertog Jan! Nice! 😍
@BobsonDugnuttHB This guy does insane shit... its great! =)
@nldtmv Hoezo gaat dit te ver!? =) Het gaat niet ver genoeg!
@Jojothegoodperson @p
@SuperDicq GameCube all the way...
@Jojothegoodperson @p
June or Juli, 2024 or 2026?
ngl nice play on words
@udoge What a surprise. Who could've seen this one coming.
@picandor Pretty much...
@crunklord420 Damn. This stuff is more complex than I initially thought it would be. The best of luck in making this stuff work. :-)
@crunklord420 As someone who knows fuckal about this I am thoroughly impressed by what you've managed to create here. Looking forward to what you are going to create here. :-)
@crunklord420 An expensive way to move the screen from your phone directly into your face for cheap dopamine hits and distractions to escape the terrible reality of living in modern western your bank balance will still take the hit, you will own less, amd still be unhappy.
@Synclair I regret buying stocks of this company. 😅
@Royper I am going to assume the one on the left isn't going to mangle my dick when I fuck her/it.
@matrix I am sorry.
@Shadowman311 @Terry @TrevorGoodchild
Why are they claiming they weren't nutting? Why deny coming the entire time?
@memes_1336 pretty much
Just another gamer on the Internet.