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actually the / is the official mathematical symbol for division, everything else is a lie perpetuated by elementary school teachers.

Ok... Just had a guy asking me (on some chat site I frequent) if I could RP a hot chick for his foot-fetish with images he would send via chat.

This is my first..

I will prolly release a video guide on this one day..

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I have this weird hobby were I would go on free and always shitty datingsites to find scammers and fuck with them.

Because of this I've become exceedingly efficient at identifying scam accounts ( or entire sites! )

Back on, lets see if I can troll the scammers again! 🙂

I am so in love with this clip. The fighters duking it out, visuals, the music.

Hits me right in the feels!

While I had the ambition to put my shitty Python code on steam one day, I decided against it and leave it a simple python game. The reason to do so is that I still see myself as some scrub who thought himself Python 3, and while the code is nice and clean, it shouts n00b. Adding to this is my complacency... I really don't want to port this to all the three platforms, do all the administrational stuff of starting a company, writing docs, test it with all the different combinations people have. I just want to dump it somewhere and call it a day.

I have always intended to create a rogue-like one day and this should be my project to learn this type of stuff. And I should just keep it that way.

Terrain generation is working nicely. City placement can use some love (distance to next city <= ~3). This game of might actually go somewhere...

I tried 12 from scratch last week and tried to install it as a desktop. It kinda worked, but took a lot of effort. Ended up switching to GameOver edition... =)

( I still use FreeBSD for servers here and there... )

I saw a discussion that made me really pissed yesterday, so I'm just posting this here in case some people have doubts:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.