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Debian got the new version of fish before Arch. :archlinux: fags BTFO

Hit the town, cool. 30 minute bike ride, turned 50ish minutes due to headwinds. Long live this stormy country. 🙂

I feel lik an asshole for breaking up with my (now ex) GF because I didn't love her enough to be her BF. She was so attached to me and through no fault of her own she has to suffer through this breakup. 😔

I just helped a friend I've known for ages with moving her stuff from one house to the other. A soon-to-be single mother, former dopefiend and all the friends that go along with it. I am not sure how this child of hers is going to pan out. Unless some miracle happens, the cards are in no way stacked in that baby's favour. I find this disheartening, tragic...

2 years ago I bought a rugged smartphone, a Ulefone Armour 2. I bought rugged phones because I want to be sure my phone is able to shrug of an accident like dropping or getting rained on (thats an issue here). And the thing was a brick, virtually indestructible, and I abused it. Throwing it in the general direction of my bed, using it in the shower and under water, banging into walls, doors and people (moshpits). With beefy specs it was just perfect for me.

So the other day I accidentally dropped it and it ruined the LCD screen, probably ruining the contact between the motherboard and LCD. Oddly enough everything else worked. Sound, wifi, even the touchscreen.

The irony isn't lost on me...

While I love all sorts of rekt en n00dity threads on 4chan's /gif/ board from time to time. I have started to notice this weird convergence of trends that makes me feel uncomfortable to say the least.

There are the occasional TikTok threads. Some contain nudity, some are dedicated to our god and savior Ricardo and there is the odd thing.
TikTok is a fad with GenZ (Zoomers) in the US and parts of Asia. Teens doing silly teenage stuff things on the Internet.

Putting these two together, my fear is that I might unintentionally be viewing kiddypr0n and that is something I am not happy with. Currently in one of the two threads I can point to a bunch of videos with people of questionable age. 😞

@freemo Hi, odd question and maybe you can help me.

Are these books any good to get into Machine Learning (using Python?) Are there any ones you would(n't) recommend?

How the Liberal Left created the Conservative Right and extremism in the fediverse:

As someone who cares greatly about equality, and recognizes minorities and underprivileged groups deal with some unique and difficult struggles I realize the title to this post would seem a bit inflammatory. But that is not my intention, my intention is to address a very real problem.

As anyone on the fediverse knows there are generally two major groups of instances. Those that wont ban anything of any kind, no rules it's the wild west (red instances). Then there are those that ban anyone who shares any opinion that disagrees with their politics, even if you criticise both the left and the right in the same breath you will likely quickly find the instance or yourself banned.

However the unfortunate consequence of this pattern of behavior is to promote ever increasing support for red instances and to drive grey instances (instances that take a middle ground) into being red instances. Should be obvious why...

You basically have a spectrum of behavior with red on one side and blue on the other. With everyone crammed into the 0.1% of either end of this spectrum that means most new instances will start off, most likely, somewhere in the grey area, even if their just marginally shy of being red or blue in its full extreme.

The experience for an admin of such an instance is to quickly be overwhelmed with people from blue instances blocking and banning for things like criticising a democratic politician or something rather minor. By the end of the first few months a blue/left leaning instance will quickly find itself on dozens of suspend or ban instances as a result and find they only have a voice among the 99% red instances and the 1% grey instances out there.

Since this means they naturally wont have a voice among blue instances, and most people are on social media because they want to be social, this means their only incentive is to appeal to red instances (since that's where all their boosts and likes come from). Along with building animosity for how blue instances treat them and with the acceptance of red instances you will find all the incentive for the instances to move to be an extremist red instance with extremist no-rule policies quickly develop.

As such we see exactly what we are seeing now on the fediverse, an ever increasing number of red instances very quickly overwhelming and overtaking the blue instances.

Of course this is made worse by the fact that those ont he blue instances can only see other blue instances. so they will be under the mistaken impression that the red instances don't exist and that the blue instances are thriving and growing and dominating over the red instances. This ignorance just ensures the red instances grow unchecked and unchallenged.

As someone who's personal policy is anti-extremism, and with this pattern being one that generates extremism it is very VERY concerning to me.

#mastodon #fediverse #uspol #extremism #mastoadmin

Looking into the Lora network. No idea what I want to do with it, but it looks like fun. :-)

My life is so vapid, I consider this hulk of a spaceship in Space Engineers creative my greatest achievement in 2020 so far. ☺️

Space Engineers is like Minecraft: addictive and fun (especially with friends). It allows you to build things, solve problems and be creative. You know, all the things you cannot do at work...

Currently fucking about on a dating-site. So many scammers to fuck with! 😂

@DeepCoreMining the lack of EVE Online related toots is disturbing. Bio-mass yourself! 😛

Facebook: ok boomer
Twitter: fortnite zoomers and edgy millenials
Mastodon: gay furries
Pleroma: transsexual nazis
*pleroma dev talks about how federating blocks is a bad idea*
mastodon users: lol how are you going to enforce twitter-like behaviour without that
pleroma dev: you can't
mastodon users: ok you are a nazi and pleroma doesn't respect blocks, got it
*time passes and someone does yet another bot that discloses blocks"
mastodon users: this is a huge privacy issue and it's literally killing minorities, why do we even federate blocks
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.