
I am currently looking for someone to date, someone nice would be best, I need an empathetic partner with a gentle but firm grip, who is at peace with her/his own identity and doesn't need me to tell them who I want them to be so they can shapeshift into that like a chameleon. Obviously must be ok with me thinking there's nothing inherently wrong with zoophilia, or pedophilia, or fictosexuality.

I am NOT open to polyamory, I am NOT open to casual relationships, if you absolutely must fuck other people then we can only be friends, and that will never change no matter what you say to try and convince me it's not a big deal.

I should ALSO say that this relationship will be essentially, pretty much roleplay for the first several years. Since no dox can be shared we will have to base our relationship around clever banter and written support.

@nukie How many times to I have to tell people, I am based enough, that my shit is so legendary, that it only LOOKS like pasta but is indeed fresh

@fuggy You first sweet cheeks, but before you do, spread em 🤮 pedophiles deserve to go in oven and stay there for long time 🤮blocked

@fuggy Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww safe space

@fuggy (all you niggers who are so coward that you fear a literal thought or desire are weak af, so weak that you can't even fathom another with true strength, so when you see us you tell yourselves we must not be real) children are easily manipulated and don't understand full ramifications and believe Santa is real also it's just gross kys

@Jazzy_Butts a paraphilia-friendly individual who has high empathy, a confident sense of self and is both kind but reasonable. pretty solid basic qualities
Mark 9:42 ESV
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. And it's coming soon.

@rootbsd @Mackiavelli13 Holy shit I wasn't aware I was causing exodus'. And I'm a non-exclusive MAP technically speaking, "pedo" is kind of a hate word. But it's ok if you didn't know.

You must be living in another type of reality to tell me that you're a pedophile and you didn't know it would cause such trouble. The only reason why we aren't hunting you down and getting ride of you all is because it's illegal. For now. Re think you're perspective.
This is literally the most disgusting thing I have seen today, and this is fedi. So that's really saying something.

You will never be able to normalize this condition to the rest of your species. You are defective and broken, so much so that you are a danger to others. You are actively searching for your next victim, openly, and then calling the label of 'predator' a 'hate word'. This tactic will not convince anyone of sound mind to let their guard down around you and tolerate your psychosis.

You should have been left on a hillside to die at birth. It's unfortunate that you weren't, but your death is better late than never. I'd advise you take care of that yourself, because someone else will soon enough.
Don't bother engaging further Doll, I'm just going to defederate them in a moment anyway
Pedophile trying to tell me it's offensive to call him a pedophile. Real human garbage.
> Holy shit I wasn't aware I was causing exodus'. And I'm a non-exclusive MAP technically speaking, "pedo" is kind of a hate word. But it's ok if you didn't know.

Last bit I got before he was swept away.
And this shit works with people they don't want to offend them. This world needs a fucking crusade.
@Mackiavelli13 @Doll @Sui @chudbere @Jazzy_Butts @randbot @rootbsd I can't wait until the tenth crusade the buzzards will feed for years from the fallen degenerates
@Sui @Doll @Mackiavelli13 @chudbere @Jazzy_Butts @rootbsd I don't even care if that shits a troll

>hurr durr I was only pretending to be a kid toucher
@Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski @Jazzy_Butts Ah, shiet, a pædo and a dog fucker. On GameLiberty? It's probably a xianc76 alt. That guy makes more alts than... somebody who makes lots of alts. He should get a hobby.
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski @Jazzy_Butts you know i agree with you hes probably haichi i just wasnt sure if youhad a certain basis for that conclusion. He has a droll ideosybcratic way of talking on both accounts that was what made me raise my ears its very unique

@rasterman @Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski Fuck off already! No way would I ever LARP as a zoophile. Especially someone I had to mute for being so annoying.

@xianc78 @Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski Just the zoophile part is bad? :blobthinkingfast: I see what you're doing, you rascally rabbit. :0520:
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski @xianc78 ive always liked him hes funny and i like all his posts hes silly :wiggly-boi:

@rasterman @Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski I wouldn't LARP as a pedo either. I had to mute several pedo accounts when they raided this instance including the one you're talking about right now.

@Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @rasterman @meowski @matrix It happened last year. I think it was some drama related to baraag or pawoo. I think they decided to come here because we also use Mastodon.

@Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @rasterman @meowski @matrix And of course, Dramaman here is going to claim that I'm behind every single refugee.

@Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @rasterman @meowski @matrix I would need AI chatbots just to run all those accounts this guy claims that I'm behind.

@xianc78 @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Rasterman @meowski @matrix you know i think you could do it but youd have to be VERY devout to the trade and live a pretty taken care of life with few obligatuons and i dont really know too many people like that
Which is the pedo instance I need to block that instantly

@Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @rasterman @meowski @matrix @xianc78 our instance has had locked registrations for a while now specifically because of this. i think there was a ban wave on pawoo once upon a time and someone recommended gameliberty as a place for everyone to move to so there was a huge wave of pedos that jumped on and it's why i became a mod, to help deal with it so matrix didn't have to alone. ended up locking registrations because the amount of people respawning under different accounts and just posting AI CP and glowie-type shit was getting impossible to keep up with. we tried to open the instance again a little while ago but pretty much immediately they all started to flood in again, and this is why we can't have nice things.

jazzy is pretty much the only one who has been able to stick around and just barely by the skin of their dick. the rest of them that were here after regs locked either broke too many rules and got permabanned or got bullied off.

@beardalaxy @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Rasterman @meowski @matrix @xianc78 well there was the alex linder incident too where he made a completely anonymous accounts and posted very specific bomb threats i remember that too. I remember that threw a wrench in stuff on drc

@rasterman @Lyx @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @meowski @beardalaxy @matrix DROP THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW!!! I would NEVER make some bomb threat as a prank. That is extremely retarded and dangerous.

I don't want to get into any legal trouble, especially for things I didn't do, so please stop this.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.