
objectively better way of polite greeting

I would say, that it depends, if you're a sub or an equal.

@tomie Hmm, I wouldn't really bow unless you're in East Asia or you're at a super formal function meeting a super respected person.

@tomie With the way I am interpreting "objectively", bowing. Equally as arbitrary but I do not have to touch anyone

@tomie Asians only do bows for greetings because they are extremely germophobic.

@tomie objectively, a bow. I tend to give handshakes if it's formal. I'll bow my head or give a small salute informally though.

@beardalaxy speaking of, another cool way was tipping of a hat but it naturally went away with hats
and I've heard that saluting without a hat on is frowned at least in some countries

@tomie i'm not sure how it would go in other places, but it's not much of what comes to mind when you think of a salute really either.

hard to explain with text but i basically put my index and middle finger around my eye/temple and then flick it forward in a saluting motion. "salute" is just the closest i can think of in a single word lol.

i have no idea where i picked this up.

@tomie i can't find video of him doing it specifically lol but you're probably right xD

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