@Meioh asthuallly, she's not a loli. The hentai itself states that she is above the age of consent *plays with glasses*
Daily reminder that Gozer The Gozerian is trans.
Also, I'm Bill Murray.
@beardalaxy yeah, fair enough.
I always want to know more tho.
I want to know more, but, as they say, you can never know enough.
And in addition, to know more brings loneliness.
Real Big Brain (TM) shit :(
@polkadotburger interesting.
Speaking for myself, I also have quite a few "memories" from when I was a kid.
If there's one thing that I have ended up unironically agreeing with the "MAP" crowd on (as much as it still pains me to say, and as much as others would hate me for saying it), it's that children are capable of doing "adult things" before the conventionally agreed upon 16-18 years of age.
That's not to say that all kids are like that, or even most. It's just, it is what it is, and my memories are testament to that.
@polkadotburger @MommyKnowsBest what sorts of childhood memories?
That you watched porn when you were younger?
Everyone's done that.
Or is it, that knowing that you were that way when you were younger makes you change your outlook on those younger (or much younger) than yourself?
I'm torn between wanting to be sure of my opinions on certain subjects (many times, matters that are controversial), and wanting to say "I don't know".
I feel that saying the latter is an admission that I can't "solve" whatever issue I'm presented with. And, as the context is not "normie"-tier, it leaves me with a sense of profound defeat.
@matana @beardalaxy IdPol's one helluva drug...
Me? I just smoke weed :/
@beardalaxy it's the Daft Punk music that does it for me.
Story is so-so, but the visuals and music are epic.
@matana what about non-coomer pedos who are more socially conservative?
A minority, I know. But still...
The Fediverse....
....A digital frontier...
I tried to picture clustures of information as they moved through the instances...
...What did they look like?
....Horny-posts, n-word and cunny spam, with the follows like freeways...
....I kept dreaming of a world I thought I'd never see...
....And then.....One day......I got in...
I think the worst possible combination of personalities in an individual's parents are the parent of the opposite sex being tyrannical/dominating and the parent of the same sex being submissive.
How can one see any positive traits to emulate, if their parental role-model is basically just a serf? Furthermore, how can anyone feel comfortable around the opposite sex, when their experience with them (represented by their parent of the opposite sex) is generally negative?
There is no enemy as terrifying as one who no longer has any fear of death.
I do have fears (heights or open-water, for example), but I don't really fear my death. It's the least of my concerns.
Death is inevitable.
Better to face it, and, even better to walk, run, or charge towards it.
I don't know man, whatever...