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Aldo boosted

Look, OK, I'm ugly, but, like, ugly fat people should be shamed and mogged.

It is the natural order of things.

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Even in the super lib mindset of "we are all the same", "diversity" creates cognitive dissonance.

If "we are all the same", what benefit does "diversity" bring?

And then the only end response is "why not?".

But why do it? There is no tangible benefit, so why do it?

They call this "progress", but it's not progress for the sake of human betterment. It's just "progress" for progress' sake.

There's another word for that, you know...

It's stagnation.

Shit day.

Although I was told only a week ago that I could easily get a raise, I've now been told that my contract is not up for renewal this year.

I'm pissed off. And I still have to go to work for a month.


Fucks sake.

Aldo boosted
Aldo boosted

So, right now:
Jordan Peterson is openly speaking against anonymous accounts.

Tim pool is openly speaking against anonymous accounts.

Politicians are begging for any excuse to de-anonymize the internet...

Oh no....

Two posts for today.

This one just because the edit is so perfectly done, that I have to show you it:

Aight so work was actually pretty chill.

I forgot how easy my job is, heh.

Tempered by the news that one of the people who was part of my intake group is leaving on Thursday :(

Now there's just two of us left from the original group. Neck and neck.

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Right, so after a month, I'm back to work.

Hopefully this will take away from my depressed mood, but I doubt it.

Even though this is basically my winter heating going up in smoke, you gotta hand it to the Russians.

They mastered the international trolling game.

Aldo boosted

Gotta love this genre of posts "Leftists themselves admitting that Right-Wing memes are true"

So, like, when you think about it, the Roma/Gypsies are like the ultimate iteration of the AnCap/AnCom wet dream.

They don't give a fuck about economics. They don't give a fuck about the state. They don't give a fuck about borders. They don't give a fuck about the nation or people. They don't even really give a fuck about "private property" (unless its theirs).

And the largest they'll ever seriously get is a couple of caravans in a field/wood somewhere or a mob chasing a particularly wealthy tourist while claiming "I'm not Indian, I'm European!!".

OK, that last part was more-so a joke......Or was it?

Go back to the office after 3 weeks sick-leave because the 'rona.

Boss takes 1 look at me and says "yeah, take the rest of the week off, talk to the company doctor, and sleep. Your health is more important than coming back to work".

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Aldo boosted

Every Stonetoss comic happened, is happening or will happen in the near future.

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