I keep having graphic dreams.
Some of the most graphic dreams I've ever had in my life.
None of that "I tried punching but everything went slow-mo" stuff.
Yesterday I had 2 dreams.
The first one was being in a car-chase of some kind. Being given a gun and then shooting out the window at the police. Stupid thing to do. Next thing I know, I get shot twice in the back. The pain I felt in the dream was crazy. I could feel the warm blood coming out of my back. I couldn't move my legs. The car stopped, I crawled out onto the road, and basically bled out.
The next dream I had, after waking up and then falling back asleep, started out relatively fine. I was back in boarding school, went to the old sports area to work out a bit. I come back to the dorms where some of my friends are, and start reading a magazine. I get to a page where everything goes wrong.
The page was inserted, and it was basically about some guy being outed as a "pedo" (most likely an exaggeration, because the person in question was a Youtuber I used to watch). Next thing I know, one of the dorm mates attacks another one. And before I can rush to stop it, I have hands around my neck, choking me, hard. I try to say "stop, you're choking me man, stop!". I black out, and wake up again.
I could still feel the grip around my neck.
An interesting point on corruption.
Both Russia and Ukraine are some of the most corrupt countries in Europe.
However, while in Russia the corruption mostly relates to corruption supporting the war (i.e. sending shitty weapons to the front, fast-tracking training, giving people - mostly Asiatics/Caucasians - money to become "meat" etc...), in Ukraine the corruption relates to trying to avoid the war (bribery to avoid draft notices, paying smugglers to cross the border, selling provided weapons on the black market etc...).
OK, I'm just going to have to say it:
The Axis of Resistance suffered a heavy defeat.
Iran (the patron) can't be trusted. They betrayed their own when it got too hot for even them.
Russia is overheating and may end up sputtering to a halt because of it, in spite of their gains.
Assad is on the way out. FSA/HTS forces launched a surprise offensive and appear to be making (relatively, considering their size) massive gains in mere hours.
There is no statement from the Houthis or the Iraqi resistance. To be honest, I think they're dazed and confused (literally).
This does not mean that I don't still support the rights of the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Yemenis, the Iraqis, or the Russo-Ukrainians.
But this is reality.
The loss may not be as big as Israel and the West are spinning it, but this all is still a loss. A big loss.
The Israelis are, as always, out on top. They have the backing of Russia (now Iran's patron) and the U.S.
Ukraine seems to be set on holding until Trump comes in. And Trump appears set on using a stick to beat Russia into negotiating and making concessions (in spite of what mainstream media is painting - i.e. Trump is sucking Putin's dick).
This has been a crazy week for international relations.
I'm tired of this, boss.
I'm tired.
The Russians were fine with Tolstoy's teachings being exported abroad, but they never incorporated the teachings for themselves.
I'm tired, and I just want to rest.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Older adults act like teenagers and younger children don't know how to get around "bans" and "blocks" or don't know their way around the internet in general.
I think the opposite is the case.
I'd wager that the average teen knows more about and has more experience using private messaging services, VPNs, IP blockers etc... than I do.
Remember when using proxies on school computers was all the craze?
"Messaging services and gaming sites, however, will not be restricted"
"Such legislation could push kids into “dangerous, unregulated parts of the internet”, Digital Industry Group Inc says - a fear also expressed by some experts."
“We don’t fence the ocean… but we do create protected swimming environments that provide safeguards and teach important lessons from a young age”
“I can’t think of any technology that exists at this point that can pull this off”
"More recently France introduced legislation requiring social media platforms to block access to children under 15 without parental consent. Research indicated almost half of users were able to circumvent the ban using a simple VPN."
This whole thing is probably going to fall flat on its face.
My mistake, I think the "abuse of trust" argument applies to teachers or social workers.
I don't know what the position was/is regarding adults in a consensual relationship who don't have a "position of trust" over their partner.
Anyways, Lily Allen is a good example of a "case-study".
This study was published 6 years ago, and basically tracks with most, if not all, of my life experiences from the age of let's say 10 up.
There are some issues still, such as the idea that the age of consent should be 14, but adults can't have sexual relations with 14 year olds because "abuse of trust" (this doesn't take into account adult inexperience vs. the teenager's experience), or the notion that children under 14 aren't as developed (sexually) as children who are 14 ("early bloomers" are ignored).
BUT, generally, it's a well-researched study that I think most people can agree with (if they're honest with themselves about their own experiences as "children"/teens).
Am I the only one whose Faceberg has turned into a semi-softcore porn site?
It's been 3 months.
I'd say that's enough of a break from posting.
I had a dream yesterday, where I was transported back to boarding school, back into one of my old dorms, surrounded by girls for a "film-night" (this would not be allowed in reality, as the girl's and boy's wings were seperated, and I got expelled before I would have moved to 6th form dorms which were closer to being mixed), watching essentially a documentary/expose on adult-child romance.
At the end, we got "gift-bags" which included "MAP" propaganda fliers, half a 6pack of beer, and other "goodies" (go on this website to chat etc... basically a Discord advert lol).
Even though it was a "good dream", I didn't do anything major. All I did was talk to the young teenage girls about my experiences; what I've seen.
Honestlty, for a moment, I thought it was reality. I thought it was a real memory replaying. I was speaking matter-of-factly, as if I was giving a presentation in class (university skill).
Point is, I'm still the same. And the reason I'm the same is because I'm not wrong, I'm not evil. I have no genuine reason to change my position on this.
It is not me who lives in an "alternate reality".
Let's just all take a minute to remember that the IDF and Israeli government as a whole has a history; a veritable litany; a tome of text, of actual, unrestrained, brutal rape of all kinds, against adults, against men, against women and girls, against boys (this is a particular target, there is recording of an IDF soldier joking about shooting children in the balls), against the elderly or infirm or disabled.
And what's even crazier, in addition to the prison rape "scandal" (it's systemic, so it shouldn't be seen as an isolated case) which shows male IDF guards/soldiers engaging in sexual violence, you also have many reports of female guards "supervising" or "initiating" the violence at other locations or other times.
So, basically, both Israeli men and women, who are mandated to serve in the IDF or some other defense-related organization, engage in acts of the most gross inhuman sexual violence against an entire people, as a pass-time.
The IDF is a terror-organization. They represent the "terror-state" of Western nightmares (although with a Jewish star, as opposed to an Islamic Crescent).
This is why BDS is important, regardless of your political position. This is why Palestine is important, regardless of your political position.
Palestine represents true nationalism and true liberation.
Israel represents gay "gender-neutral" gang-rape.
I just hope that anyone who sees this realizes just how far society has gone with the "pedophile/pedophilia!!!" charge and the stigma.
It's just like "racist" or any "ist" or "ism".
It is used so often nowadays especially (considering how society has progressed age-restriction wise), many times to publicly destroy innocent people, and not only them, but their families, and their family's families.
Is there actual abuse, rape etc... Of course, just like, if someone goes out and actually hangs a Black person from a tree, yeah, that's uh you know, a "hate crime;a crime of racial/ethnic hatred". That doesn't mean, "White lives don't matter!".
Fuckin' ey.
It's not that hard to stay afloat, people.
I don't know man, whatever...