You cannot join all factions.
That is GREAT, and the thing I hate about Skyrim/Oblivion.
It's obvious that the reasons they made it so you can join every faction in one playthrough is that they don't want people to miss out just because they're not willing to start up multiple characters.
But this only highlights the true flaw of modern TES: the games aren't sooo good that they make players want to start up a new character as soon as they finish the first.
@alyx @LukeAlmighty most of the time, I don't even get through the game's story with a character and make a new one instead. If I only knew how many Skyrim characters never made it to the greybeards
@alyx @beardalaxy
I have this sissue with Witcher 3.
I am way too deep to deep into the story to begin again, but I seriously don't feel like playing with full quest log, 300 potions and more systems then I can wrap my head around.
And even, after I switched it to easy, it just wasn't the same.
@alyx @beardalaxy
I tried playing fallout tactics 2 times. Get bored after 1 mission.
Try it 3rd time, complete in one sitting.
Try 4th time, bored... WTF???
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy
Usually after I manage to get past that hurdle of finishing it the first time (and if the game's good obviously) I've got no problem of playing it another few times.
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy
I know the feeling. Over-complicated systems and too much content thrown at you at once is one of the reasons why I'm slow to pick up and really enjoy a RPG. It took me YEARS, and multiple attempts at playing Mass Effect, before I finally managed to fall in love with the series. I tried playing Mass Effect 1 back when it released, but didn't actually finish it until after Mass Effect 3 came out.