You cannot join all factions.
That is GREAT, and the thing I hate about Skyrim/Oblivion.
@alyx @LukeAlmighty most of the time, I don't even get through the game's story with a character and make a new one instead. If I only knew how many Skyrim characters never made it to the greybeards
@alyx @beardalaxy
I have this sissue with Witcher 3.
I am way too deep to deep into the story to begin again, but I seriously don't feel like playing with full quest log, 300 potions and more systems then I can wrap my head around.
And even, after I switched it to easy, it just wasn't the same.
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy
I know the feeling. Over-complicated systems and too much content thrown at you at once is one of the reasons why I'm slow to pick up and really enjoy a RPG. It took me YEARS, and multiple attempts at playing Mass Effect, before I finally managed to fall in love with the series. I tried playing Mass Effect 1 back when it released, but didn't actually finish it until after Mass Effect 3 came out.
@alyx @beardalaxy
I tried playing fallout tactics 2 times. Get bored after 1 mission.
Try it 3rd time, complete in one sitting.
Try 4th time, bored... WTF???
@LukeAlmighty @beardalaxy
Usually after I manage to get past that hurdle of finishing it the first time (and if the game's good obviously) I've got no problem of playing it another few times.
@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty
With whatever character I make, I'm obsessed with completing everything I can with them. Only times a character remains unfinished is if I get bored with the game, and by the time I come back to it, I completely forget what I was doing, what I was roleplaying, what build I was making, so I just start over.
As for roleplaying, thinking back, I think I manage to get most immersed in Fallout. There's something about the pseudo-realistic partly sci-fi setting that appeals more to me than full-on fantasy. I also prefer shooters as a genre, so works well for me for the rest of the gameplay too.