Fuck it, it might be about time to put in the drastic measure.

Either I win, or I become a lolcow.
Today, I start at 100.9kg

Good morning everyone.
Fuck, I don't even feel that great -_-

To be fair, yesterday was anything but an average day. I did a ton on excersize, so I had 2 meals instead of one.... and a bit of aclohol.

I literally had nothing, but a single chinese soup yesterday -_-

On one hand, it is getting ridiculous, just how much time I spend in bed lately.

On the other hand, 95.5kg.

This is the sad part of the entire process. One bad day will throw your progress so far back on the numbers, that you think you will regain all 5kg in a week.

No, you're not. And you haven't gained so much. But the weight loss numbers are tricky this way. Don't panic :D

I skipped a day, because I seriously felt ashamed of the sudden jump up.
I am not someone to quit easily, but the JoJo effect is so bizare, when it comes to weight loss.

I will keep on reporting on this adventure. I have not quit yet.

Good morning everyone.

Feel free to post some bully posts, since I deserve it today.

Good morning everyone.

I am not giving up yet 😉
Was even at gym yesterday. That isn't easy, while in such a deficit.

Hood morning everyone.
I am still stuck at 94.6 today. It can get so irritating to see the progress stagnate, but at least the hunger isn't as bad, as when I started.

No weight loss for several days.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this!!!

Wow... Remember this thread? I bet it was quite entertaining.

Well, christmas is over, so I think I can finally continue guilt free :D

105.9kg :pepelol:

@LukeAlmighty i mean if you work out it's really more important to worry about fat percentage, i was 130kg for the longest time but i "lost weight", as in a lot of it got replaced with muscle, now i have 115kg while being described as buff instead of fat now

I know, that it is theoretically true, unless you expect me to also take a volume measurements to get a density, that can then be compared... I am kinda stuck with this.

Or, do you know how to get a good estimate of the fat percentage?

@LukeAlmighty not really, you can telll it went down when you look at the mirror and compare it to a picture, but otherwise you're gonna either need to get a special tool or ask the doctor

If I trusted the mirror, I wouldn't use the weight...

But thanks.

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