Fuck it, it might be about time to put in the drastic measure.

Either I win, or I become a lolcow.
Today, I start at 100.9kg

Good morning everyone.
Fuck, I don't even feel that great -_-

To be fair, yesterday was anything but an average day. I did a ton on excersize, so I had 2 meals instead of one.... and a bit of aclohol.


I literally had nothing, but a single chinese soup yesterday -_-

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Starting to feel horrible again.
I see myself getting a great number tomorow :omegalul:

On one hand, it is getting ridiculous, just how much time I spend in bed lately.

On the other hand, 95.5kg.

This is the sad part of the entire process. One bad day will throw your progress so far back on the numbers, that you think you will regain all 5kg in a week.

No, you're not. And you haven't gained so much. But the weight loss numbers are tricky this way. Don't panic :D

I skipped a day, because I seriously felt ashamed of the sudden jump up.
I am not someone to quit easily, but the JoJo effect is so bizare, when it comes to weight loss.

I will keep on reporting on this adventure. I have not quit yet.

Good morning everyone.

Feel free to post some bully posts, since I deserve it today.

Good morning everyone.

I am not giving up yet 😉
Was even at gym yesterday. That isn't easy, while in such a deficit.

Hood morning everyone.
I am still stuck at 94.6 today. It can get so irritating to see the progress stagnate, but at least the hunger isn't as bad, as when I started.

No weight loss for several days.
I hate this, I hate this, I hate this!!!

Wow... It's actually no change for 2 weeks already.

Well, time to actually increase intensity. But this is actually the logical limit of safe dieting. According to all the "muh deficit people", I should not be possibly gaining by now.

@LukeAlmighty Sleeping burns more calories than watching TV... better content too.


I'm not sure if it's valid for you, but weighing every day tends to have these swings. Most recommend weekly or twice-weekly, or, if you gotta do it every day, at roughly the same time after doing all waste disposal.

I have a scale that just pushes to an app (yeah i hate it too) so i don't need to be concerned with the day-to-day but can still see that sweet sweet
graph if i need to.

Yeah, I am quite used to the swings in data. But, that is why I measure several times a day. (and mostly post just one)

Because, if you're taking data weekly, then you have no idea what the number even means. If I get a 2 day swing of +2kg, but I measure daily... I know what's happening. But if I lost 1, and get 2kg swing at the end of the week, It would look like a horrible week. And that is just not the truth.

Nah. The daily records are insanely motivating. And not getting them does show you to push just that little bit harder.

Also, THANK YOU for encouragement.

@LukeAlmighty sure, no problem. I don't know anything about you at all so i butted in, as i do.

whatever works, go for it. i lost 12kg last year (and probably put it all back on this year) over 3 months or so, and tbh i was measuring daily, but i don't get that stress from seeing the needle move up, but i know some people do.

again good luck and good results so far!

@LukeAlmighty Well, ok, not really meth. I got on ADHD meds (methylphenidate) and it completely suppressed my appetite, to the point of the sight of any food triggering a gag reflex

Oh, I thought you were joking :D

Well, yeah. I heard about that. Although, I am trying to live my life as drug free, as possible.

@LukeAlmighty Quite a silly thing, tbh - I was recently diagnosed, had the proper reaction to the meds (someone without ADHD would act psychotic from them, I don't), then they stopped working altogether on the 3rd day, now I'm off and feel better, than before and during drugs.
90% it was a psychological issue, or I really am built different.

I was also taking them for just a while. But, I don't remember, what caused me to hate them so much, but I begged my parents to stop asking me to take them.

The insane part about ADHD is, that most of the problems are just from the rest of the world being filled with fucking liars :D

@LukeAlmighty Problems concentrating, complete avolition, especially towards things I want to do. Been going on for... well, forever I guess. Was a golden child, retarded adults were cumming all over themselves about how "smart" I was, "ohh, look at this lil' genius, he reads so well in 1st grade, so mature, so responsible". Not once has it occured to those imbecils that perhaps it's not the best choice to instill delusions of grandeur in an 8 year old.
When I inevitably stopped succeeding at everything first try, I was bombarded with criticism, that I'm lazy, wasting my potential, y'know, like I'm doing it on purpose. In 4th grade I think it was, my homeroom teacher (obese childless liberal cat lady) sat me down for a talk and outright accused me of being malicious or some shit, because I wasn't "having control over my troublemaker classmates" like it's my fucking job to do that.
What's worse I believed her and turned into a kid worthy of being shot in the head the moment I opened my mouth.
Somewhere in there my father went out of the picture (good fucking riddance), meaning there wasn't anyone left to keep me in check.
Nobody has ever taught me how to study for anything, because supposedly "I only had to read/hear something once to instantly memorize it", no fucking clue where they got that from. Grades started slipping in high school, which I still breezed through, because it was easy to con everyone into thinking I knew what I was talking about. First semester in uni lost all motivation, didn't see reason to try anything ever again, burnout, depression, SSRIs, therapists, none worked, someone told me it looks like ADHD to them, got diagnosed quickly, hence the me(ds)th.
Shrink was cool, actually, outright told me it's possible to manipulate the tests, even unconsciously, that it looked like ADHD to a T but could still be something else.
And it was. No need for meds now, just had to stop deluding myself.

Funny, I had the exact oposite experience with shrinks. I was diagnosed at around 6 years old, and when that happened, I was told outright, that I will be happy, if I finish special school.

Well, studying in primary and high school had minimal issues, but dealing with normie classmates was pure hell of an existence.

But now, I have a relatively relaxed and creative job, so no drugs needed .D

@LukeAlmighty Yeee
"oh, you can't sit at a desk for 7 hours straight listening to an obese cat lady lecture you about bullshit? I guess your brains broken, here's crystal meth"
@LukeAlmighty Hey bud, remember how long it took to put on the weight.

Small steady steps and youll make it! <3
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