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Sorry, ale opravdu nechápu tvou kritiku. Pokud vláda chce prosadit takový humus, jako je například první verze pandemického zákona, tak je pochopitelné, že je potřeba to zkritizovat, i když u toho zlomíš rekord.

A mimochodem, já taky nemám Okamuru rád. Jeho názor na manželství je křesťanská ujetina založená na propojení církve a vládou diktované smlouvy. Dále je to strašnej socík. Ale kritizovat ho za to, že bojuje proti příšerným zákonům mi opravdu přijde nepochopitelné.

@archos Slovensko, Německo, Francie... Nastane a je potřeba s tím počítat. V případě že ne to bude příjemné překvapení. Opačně to bude mnohem horší.

Roky jsme si nechali srát do hlav od Rusáků a tohle je výsledek. Vyčištění zanedbaného chlívu nějakou dobu trvá a řeka v nedohlednu.

V tom případě se musím zeptat.
Jak čekáš, že hlava nejmenší strany a navíc v opozici má něco prosazovat? Samozřejmě, že bude kritizovat vládu, když dělá jednu blbost za druhou.

Sorry za zmatek... Změnil jsi si profilovku, a já si tě s někým spletl :D

@archos @pavelkout
A co můžete tedy mladým kolegům nabídnout?

(Nápověda: Reforma důchodů opravdu nestačí)

@pavelkout @archos
"dvacetisekundovému videu"

Mezitím tu puslouchám jeden 8hodinnový podcast za druhým :omegalul:

This is, why I don't feel bad for simping for Valve. Because they do go out of their way to offer an actual service, instead of just a barebones shop.

while everyone is busy shoving their own dick up their ass for their five seconds of pleasure before their cock prices plummet, valve is actually releasing and improving features. you love to see it.

steam families are now way easier to set up and let you play games even if someone in your family is accessing one of yours. massive steam W. i don't think i've ever seen digital game sharing be this easy.

@coolboymew @WashedOutGundamPilot
Nah, that story isn't unrealistic, it is just apologetic.

You know how women always say, they don't care about your past..... but somehow want you to have a stable 6 figure income, body of god and a payed off house/car? Well, here's the problem All of these things ARE THE CURRENT RESULT of your past.

In the same way, many women are pushed away from forming a family at early 20s. But a woman at 35 will not just "wake up fertile" one day. No, she did make an active choice.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @coolboymew
> A woman who wants to be a teacher
> She wants a family

I am so confused right now... So, which is it?

@coolboymew @WashedOutGundamPilot
I posted about this several times already, but the millenial women literally hate men. Meanwhile, the biggest benefit of the trooned mindset cognitive dissonance is, that feminist anyi-men propaganda didn't hit as hard, since they have some "male" friends.

Depends... Are you hunting for a job, that pays well no matter the cost, or for one, that won't cost you your sanity and soul?

Because if you just care about the money, go full they/them and have a pink hair photo. But once you've surrounded by 20 karrens talking about genocieing you, be prepared to hold the fucking smile on.

@Sirensabotage @RR
Exactly. You would rather have an asteroid hit the earth, then allow white people to live separate from any invaders, and then claim to "actually just want a reasoned discussion"

So pathetic

@Terry @comradepond @Orkin_Awk @randbot @troubledturtle @William_The_Dragonborn
Wait a minute...
What the fuck do you mean $3000 a month? That's a fucking living wage for a family.

the Hatians call the EBT cards "magic money cards" because they never run out. They got around 3K a month EBT on top of what they make at whatever factory job.

Keep in mind they also have free housing and healthcare.

@Sirensabotage @RR
> Some white people are evil
I refuse to condemn evil in literally any other grooup then white people

We know, that you simply hate white people, and try to use rethoric to hide it, but your blatantly clear result of only hating white people no matter the scale of crimes of any other group is indefensible.

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