When you take out a loan from a bank, they are creating this money - so it’s not a loan from the bank, it’s in fact a theft of money from all in society who have no clue that the value in their wallets has been reduced. In return for this “service”, the bank get’s the right to claim real property if you fail to pay them the “interest” they demand for this public theft operation.
I just wanted to be wholesome. 😢
Am I missing some Skyrim joke, or is it that bad?
@Mr_NutterButter @Shadowman311
I gave up on millenials with their insane BDSM addiction to ads and streaming services.
I get not wanting to get a virus from some software, but at least get the movie you're about to watch in some modern format, when you're paying for it already.
Good luck
I hope your knee gets better soon.
@chick_enheart @xChaos @Yamato @malajanka
To by mě upřímně taky zajímalo.
Do nedávna byl jasný jeden bod programu. Legalizace drog. Ale potom se obrátili na Alkohol, a já už si z nich opravdu nejsem schopen rozmotat hlavu.
Such book is incompatible with human nature.
And just think about it. Should such a book say, that Trump caused an insurrection, that his supporters attacked Capitol, that his fans went on a protest, that they went for a walk through the building or that he was framed?
And considering, just how insane lies about Trump are, how bad do you think they got through the history, where they had no internet to fact check the jurnos?
The eternal dilema...
>>>Satire account<<<
When you don't let people abuse your kids.
LukeAlmighty DO NOT have any pronouns. You can only refer to LukeAlmighty by LukeAlmighty's name. Please, be tolerant of this.
Please be patient, LukeAlmighty have autism
I you are in Czech republic, DM me, I'll be happy to grab a beer with you
>>>Satire account<<<