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Wow... Remember this thread? I bet it was quite entertaining.

Well, christmas is over, so I think I can finally continue guilt free :D

105.9kg :pepelol:

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Oh... So, people are blaming corporations, because it gives them the right to avoid responsibility for any individual action. It's the largest scale of "I'm just fallowing orders" in history, and it applies to everyone including the CEOs themselves.

Because they spend all the time dictating you why you're not acting according to their ellaborate code scheme, that they never bothered to explain to you in the first place... And that doesn't add you any convenience in the slightest.

@alyx according to the people who determine these things, the statue of liberty's bra size would be 1856 ZZZZG 672 XX, so i don't think she's flat

I saw recently someone unironically ask, why are so many women obsessed with gay romance...

We aren't just frozen. Our cultural progress is to slow, it's getting super-conductive.

This meme is 9 years old and we're still having the exact same arguments with retards like James Lindsay, online discourse has been trapped in Amber for a decade

Took me a while to fully understand just how bad the briefcase is :D

Because banks have right to lend money they don't actually own, and keep the interest.

I think I'm starting to understand why everyone hates IT guys...

I seriously believe, that managers at Youtube have to have brain damage, if they cannot figure out autoplays.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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