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I have the opposite problem.
Czech Republic is objectively among the best 3 countries on the planet. Why would I bother traveling out of here?

Someone shown a photos of Musk being with his kid on work...

And these women immediately jumped to a conclusion, that he is using them as a human shield. Wow.... I know, that women are psychopaths, but this seriously crossed the line for me. If you cannot see father actually spending time with a child without thinking, that now you have to kill 2 people.... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!

Žijeme ještě v demokracii?

Představte si, že jste v restauraci a dají vám na výběr ze dvou jídel: jedno přinesou poblité a to druhé taky, ale jenom trochu. Budete to jíst? (Pokud ano, říká se tomu volba menšího zla.)

Jsme-li ve stavu, že volíme pouze z porůznu poblitých talířů, má volba ještě smysl? Není naše demokracie už jen hrou na demokracii, kolektivním předstíráním něčeho, co fakticky neexistuje?

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior this is the community manager in question ( :kekgold1: )
it looks like she comes straight from Plaion (formerly Koch Media), which - as it turns out - bought Warhorse in 2018 (I seriously just found this out). well, I hope surrendering control was worth it for Vávra

Good one :alexjonessmile2:
I mean, he literally has an organization to get the free speech themes to the lawmakers...

I expect, that this one is a case of "better not kill my pay-piggie", but I am not ready to condemn him...yet

The literal owner of the company is an open free speech advocate... :alexjoneshey:

I mean, he is literally the NO1 advocate in the country.

@djsumdog @filmupdates
Well, I think that No way home was a great goodbye to that cinematic universe.

I liked it a lot, even though, the plot was oversimplified and morally questionable. But since then, yeah... Marvel is just dead.

I don't even care about capeshit anymore, but come on. is there going to be at least some microscopic acknowledgement what physics do exist?
(Capeshit screenshot)

I love, how many fans got insulted by the "not in a million years" line, thinking it was an insult...... While in reality, it was a deep homage and a plotpoint that payed off at the end...

That game deserved so much better.

Wait a minute... So, every time, loans interest rate is heavily restricted, and taxes drop rapidly, by some coincidence, there appears "economic miracles" for the nation, but economist to this day have no idea how to replicate them?

Argon Magnetar
X:3 Albion prelude

Absolute love... Such a small ship, yet 4 entire hangars ready for instant deployment

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.