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I barely even remember, when is the last time I interacted with an actual human on Twitter.

I do use it for celebrity news, but it is so completely useless for anything else.
I cannot believe how it could have gotten to this point, but I am so fucking happy for the fediverse.

I couldn't put my finger on it, but yeah. All 3 bad ones are literally western new protagonists. Rest of them are either asian, or just "Lara croft" old.

Why did she pull her shirt twice to reveal the stomack twice?

Oh wow...
> Men don't use a woman on profile picture

I really didn't sleep well today. But the post got it's work done, so who cares :omegalul:

Did you know:
Men don't need their boobs cut
Men don't use pronouns they/them
Men don't use a woman on profile picture
Men don't complain about misgendering

I am sorry you disfigured yourself in order to mislead people, but there is nothing wrong with being a woman. Just live your life FFS.

Facebook tier meme 

Just in case, you need a reminder of why not leave Fedi under any circumstances

Worst Attack on Titan ending 

Can you imagine, just how fucked the humanity would be, if this monstrocity turned into a titan?

Takled to a "friend", from a long time ago today, and let me tell you, I know she was a feminist, but holy shit, this is so weird.

Not only did she say the good old "I'm a feminist, so I wish to run a whore house", but also, at one point, she used the line of: Do you guys like women?

I thought that line was an internet joke. I'm gonna need a therapist soon, unless the insanity in my life stops escalating.

If you look in a microscope, everything is moving around even when everything is still. The warmer it gets, and the smaller the particles get, the more they move.

This is called Brownian motion, and it is explained by matter being made of particles that push against everything and when the matter is small enough the energy of individual particles is enough to jostle things around. It isn't the only proof, but it's good evidence that matter is made of molecules, and that heat is related to the movement of those particles.

It was Albert Einstein who described Brownian motion mathematically which was one of the major things which helped tip the consensus of scientists towards atomic theory rather than something else.

(I know, you weren't asking but I thought Brownian motion is pretty cool so I decided to share anyway)
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