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Danuše Nerudová konečně vymyslela jak spravit náš průmyls. Jediné, co je potřeba je člověk s jaderným reaktorem v hrudi...

Proboha, jak mohl kdokoliv volit takovou kachnu nikdy nepochopím.

I have just read it too, and DAMN... You weren't joking. This thing is going straight to the bone, when it comes to the blatant discrimination and dehumanization of native population.

Even if they try pulling a homelander, it's too late. These images do tend to resonate quite well. (Although, I do expect an ass-pull by 3rd chapter.)

That is actually the most rage inducing part. The moment, I realized, that the stock market is a simple pyramid scheme, I also realized, that............ extremely little changed. I can earn money knowing, that it's building to millions of people losing everything as long as I manage to pull out on time.

Trying to explain the infinite debt cycle to people really fits the saying "but what is water".

These people do know what is inflation, and that saving money is nowdays impossible. But when I told them, that we should get rid of inflation in order to make sacing possible, they immediately jump to "but that would stop muh infinite growth"..

And what do you think this infinite growth is? It is literally the number going up, since the value of it is going down. You are talking about inflation. I want to stop it.

But muh seniors won't be able to live off their sons income. Yes!!! That is bad. It's literally an intergenerational debt. I just said, that I don't want debt....

These people can no longer even imagine an inflation free world.

I would say, that the car has easily disinfectable shapes...
Maybe you're right.

Why is there a wall between the driver and the passanger? Is that a car for touch-scared autists?

The most degenerate thing Nintendo has ever done 

Peache's room has:
A cosy fireplace... A wide bed and............ a chair that is not placed near any table.


Disney Cars might not only be one of the most racist movies of all time, but it's entire premise has the great man theory carved into every single cell of it's DNA.

@LukeAlmighty "There is no one "right" way of thinking, learning and behaving." Hitler wasn't evil, he was just neodiverse!

This is the most retarded description of any phenomena I have ever read.

So, there is no 1 way to think. Ok.
Neurodiversity is, when you think different way, then the one that doesn't exist. :blobhuh:
Oh, it also include people who are gifted :pepeDread:
And obviously people who are retarded :kekw:

Thank you... Now I feel absolutely informed.

Cannot wait for War Thunder to add sr-73, only so some idiot at skunkworks can finally leak a proof of it's existence.

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