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I thought I spammed Tatarák here already more then enough times :D

This makes me sad...
Not because it's grafiti, but because I have never seen someone spray an actual art on the walls before.

I fear the sleep because the morning will be full of pain caused by lack of sleep

I fear the next nightmare, that will make me more terified of falling asleep-

I REALLLY hate the insane no sleep rutine.

In case you haven't seen S2 of squid game 

I seriously didn't like it too much. To be completely honest, I liked a grand total of 1scene.

So, here it is. I saved you 6 hours and 7 minutes.

I know they are NPCs, but I cannot stop my outh from hanging, whenever the woktoids use the exact same phrasing of shit that doesn't exist.

"Misinfomation and disinformation"
Who the fuck would use this kind of language to say bullshit and lies? Why always these two words, right next to each other? Why even combine them, when we know they are completely different topics?

I know, I said that as a joke.
BTW, what do you mean by "is fidel to"?

@mangeurdenuage Oh god... I am so used to his czech dubbing, that I forgot he can speak english too.
Fuck, I hate AI...
I would fall for this one, if it didn't respond with a paragraph in mere 2 seconds.

Incel posting 

I am so pissed off at the way people are talking about relationships these days.

> Incels just want sex, while femcelos want a deeper connection.

Just when I thought the dehumanization of men could finally get a break, they again turn men into these sex driven berserkers inccapable of ever wanting a connection. Because if men were actually human, we cauldn't treat them like trash, right?

Was watching the Edge of Tomorrow, and it has the DUMBEST plothole I ever saw 

The major plot point of the movie is, that a blood transfusion removes your chance to time travel through death.

The problem with the plot is.... How the fuck do they know that? Do you know, what is required to get that knowledge? It's death. Permanent death.

Bruh, you should know better then give up on winter before the end of January.

After taking down the Christmas lights it started fucking snowing

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.