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How to be incredibly smart all the time? 

@LukeAlmighty i have a picture cube that i got for pre-ordering mario maker. i scrambled it a while ago thinking i could just use the rubik's cube algorithm to solve it, but it turns out picture cubes are exponentially harder. it is still scrambled and i only managed to get one side mostly done.

I love, how right now, both left and the right are posting the same edits of Elon Musk.

Both proving a point :D

After 2 days of boxing..... I give up. Both my back and hands hurt like hell, so I need an honest rest day.

The last one was so disappointing... So close to a great doubble tap.

A porn games now have an in-game mod menu...

Fucking porn games now offer more support then AAA industry standart. We really live in a clown world.

How to be incredibly smart all the time? 

Step 1: Buy a rubic's cube
Step 2: Open the packege, and throw out the packaging
Step 3: Place it on your idle trash pile
Step 4: Let it collect dust
And most importantly. Make sure to NEVER rotate it.

Everyone has at home a messed up cube, but only the really smart people solved it before getting bored of it.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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