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> Ministr zdravotnictví Roman Prymula (za ANO) byl ve středu pozdě večer přistižen deníkem Blesk v restauraci na pražském Vyšehradě, opozice i ČSSD žádají jeho rezignaci.

lol, that's precisely the kind of a scandal we need now
@leyonhjelm @jeremiah @ChristiJunior @EmmaFaber @cowanon

> I like my coffee like I like my women.

:carlin: Cold, bitter, large, black.

> I like my coffee like I like my women.

:carlin: Covered in whipped cream.

> I like my coffee like I like my women.

:carlin: Always ready.

> I like my coffee like I like my women.

:carlinsmug: Warm, plenty of milk, and...two of them, please.

Our Minister Of Health got caught drinking in a restaurant without a mask when it's him who closed restaurants and made masks mandatory

:omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul: :omegalul:

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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