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Some poeple are too dumb to understand even the most basic of communication rules.

Them: When do you plan to move in?
Me: I HAVE to do it within 2 months.
Them: Ok. So, you have a ton of time since you want to move in in 2 months...


@LukeAlmighty Avoid the poison Corn Syrup. Beware of immitation fruit. Fear the evil fake vegetable.

I remember that one of my high school's [The communist brainwashing one] had a health class give presentations on eating disorders. I even knew then that this was crap. The student's report said that it "is an eating disorder because it makes individuals obsess over foods they believe to be healthy, leading to malnutrition in many other areas." Perhaps there's some truth to that, such as weirdos who stigmatize people for eating bread, but in reality it's simply a propagandic means to promote obesity and other forms of artificial jewery

@LukeAlmighty přijde mi ten nápad skvělý, ale pochybuju, že se u nás podaří uvést ho v praxi.. navíc když EU nepodporuje jaderná zařízení v rámci green dealu - přitom tohle je o využití vyhořelého paliva, čili 30 let vytápění všech větších měst ČR zadarmo a bez emisí.. jenže byrokracii to bude fuk, je to jaderné, tak je to špatné.. pokud si někdo z tvůrců teplatoru nevezme věc jako svůj životní projekt (a nepůjde hlavou proti zdi), tak se to prosadit podle mě nepodaří..

ale to je obecné.. co šlo před 40 lety, to dnes už není možné.. tady se třeba řeklo, potřebujeme vodu, a tak natáhli trubku kilometr dlouhou až k prameni.. dnes? už třetí rok řešíme legalizaci té trubky, která samozřejmě vede přes různé pozemky... a bude nás to stát ještě půl mega, aniž by se koplo do země, jen za ty formality..

takže dnes, pokud člověk nesežene investora, tak má smůlu i se skvělým vynálezem.. jenže když investora sežene, tak pak má taky smůlu, protože užitek z jeho vynálezu bude mít nakonec někdo jiný...

Look at Christopher Langan, dude is the smartest man on planet earth and he's fucking ripped. This is what your average genius of yesteryear looked like, not some mousy fag who could get beaten by a strong gust of wind but a body builder with the intelligence of a supercomputer. This is truly what they took from you, the fact that the number of intelligent and muscular gigachads in our society are so small they can be counted on one hand is the main reason why everything has been so stagnant for decades. Society fell when we stopped trying to make the Ubermench and started settling for average or second best, reclaim that and you'll have another golden age.

US Heat map of potential election fraud per county based on voter registration trends. Analysis by Seth Keshel.

@11112011 @skells @apropos

side effects may include: myocarditis, heart attack, stroke, blindess or death. please consult a physician if you..actually don't consult a physcian just trust us unconditionally. SCIENCE!
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