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Shower thoughts on Star Wars 

Man, I remember episode 7 being bad, but I didn't expect it to be so bad, that even 7 years later, I will still be just realizing, how much damage it had done.

Remember Starkiller? The big gun powered by a star? Well, here's the issue. People used to say, that the first order has a magical economy. That is true. But, I have just realized, that while the ENTIRE GALAXY is somewhere around 1.5 level on the Kardashev scale, first order is AS A FACTION by itself at level 2 already.

And that is in the same series, where in the next episode, the rebelion cannot afford fuel.

I don't think I am able to describe, just how insane that difference is.

Biden just arrived in Michigan, and his FIRST order of business was to sniff a child

Keep your kids away from Joe Biden

This is what Facebook boomers consider a meme these days.

Photons. You cannot see photons. Not a single photon interacted directly with your eye. Ever. You can only see photons under the microscope, right? And let's be honest. How many of you actually interacted with photons at any part of your life?

On the left, I see only degenerates who hate me for having any standarts in my life. They hate me for being a man and for living my best life.

So, I look to the right for help, only to see a schyzo roleplay as a nazi, while shitting himself over me mentioning the concept of social cohesion.

Man, I really am not a centrist, but you guys aren't making it easy.

Also, this is hilarious.
Did you know, you can play a 22 year old game.... 7 days early?

What a great deal.

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Look up the new age of mythology remake.
1% hype

Check steam forums. They censored taunt 23 - Oh, you let a GIRL beat you!

0% hype. These creatures just cannot help themselves.

Watching Godzilla minus one...
Mini japanese tanks stand no chance...

And all I'm thinking is:
If only there was some weapon made specifically for such an unprecedented occasion...

Someone was truly thinking ahead.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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